Manor Green School offers the Choose to Enterprise Nurture curriculum which is a broad and balanced cross-curricular approach aimed at creating an educational experience that prepares students for adult life. We promote academic progress, pastoral support and life skills development, with particular expertise in promoting communication and interactions.
Every class is taught by a Class Teacher with the support of a Higher Level Teaching Assistant and Specialist Support Assistants. Together, they offer a curriculum that is highly personalised and integrated therapeutic interventions. All subjects of the National Curriculum form the basis of our school offer. These subjects are taught in a cross-curricular way appropriate to the students’ age and stage of development, with learning taking place both on site, off site and online.
More information on the curriculum is available from our Curriculum Policy, together with how we comply with our statutory obligations in regard to making the curriculum accessible to all students; however, if you need further information about the curriculum we are following, please contact
Curriculum Overview
First School (Ladybird Cluster)
First School (Ladybird Cluster) is made up of the youngest students in the school, from Nursery through to Year 4.
We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework. The EYFS consists of seven areas of learning and development. All areas of learning and development are important and inter-connected. Three areas are particularly crucial; these are the prime areas for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning and for building their capacity to learn, form relationships and be independent. The prime areas are: Communication and Language; Physical Development and Personal, Social and Emotional Development. There are also four specific areas through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied. The specific areas are: Literacy; Mathematics; Understanding the world and Expressive Arts and Design.
In First School we follow the Cornerstones for our topics. This curriculum is also the basis of our project based learning; an active and child centred approach to support engagement and increase a student's ability to engage in subject specific activities and sessions.
We use the Characteristics of Effective Learning model, alongside our Golden Rules, to celebrate and promote individuals' attitudes to learn. We have a strong emphasis on learning through play throughout and our planning and teaching is guided by the student's current interests. Our weekly timetable ensures that phonics, mathematics, swimming and physical development are also embedded, as well as the student's individual therapy programmes.
Middle School (Penguin, Puffin and Usborne Clusters)
Middle School is made up of Year Groups 5-9. The classes are grouped according to student need and communication style. The curriculum delivers cross-curricular project based learning with the addition of Literacy, Maths and Real/MAT PE.
Project-based learning is a student-centred teaching method involving a dynamic classroom approach. It is believed that students acquire a deeper knowledge through active exploration of real-world challenges and problems. Our students gain knowledge and transferable skills by working for an extended period of time (a long term) to investigate and respond to an engaging and complex project, problem, or challenge. As a result, they develop deep content subject knowledge as well as critical thinking, creativity and communication skills in the context of a termly project.
Our projects are based around the Enabling Enterprise’s Skills Builder. They develop the essential skills of our students such as Listening, Presenting, Problem solving, Creativity, Staying positive, Aiming High, Leadership and Teamwork. Subjects covered throughout the projects are English, Maths, Science, Humanities, PSHE and RE. PSHE and RE are also covered through assemblies and diversity celebrations throughout the academic year.
Physical development is delivered through the Real PE programme that focuses on fundamental movement. The areas covered are Physical, Social, Personal, Health and Fitness, Cognitive and Creative to encourage cross curricular learning. Physical development is also promoted through therapy targets.
Year |
Term 1 |
Term 2 |
Term 3 |
2019 - 2020 |
Brilliant Books |
Construction Counts |
Board Games |
2020 - 2021 |
Trash to Treasure |
Brilliant Bakes |
Going Green |
2021 - 2022 |
Number Crunching |
Dream Space |
Legal Eagles |
2022 - 2023 |
Breaking News |
Gallery Opening |
Food, Glorious Food |
2023 - 2024 |
Fabulous Fashions |
Doing good |
Making Changes |
2024 - 2025 |
Design Company |
Free to be Me |
Special Delivery |
Year |
Term 1 |
Term 3 |
Term 4 |
2019 - 2020 |
Board Games |
Brilliant Books |
Construction Counts |
2020 - 2021 |
Brilliant Bakes |
Going Green |
Trash to Treasure |
2021 - 2022 |
Dream Space |
Legal Eagles |
Number Crunching |
2022 - 2023 |
Making Changes |
Food, Glorious Food |
Breaking News |
2023 - 2024 |
Doing Good |
Making changes |
Fabulous Fashions |
2024 - 2025 |
Special Delivery |
Design Company |
Free to be Me |
Year |
Term 1 |
Term 2 |
Term 3 |
2019 - 2020 |
Construction Counts |
Board Games |
Brilliant Books |
2020 - 2021 |
Going Green |
Trash to Treasure |
Brilliant Bakes |
2021 - 2022 |
Legal Eagles |
Number Crunching |
Dream Space |
2022 - 2023 |
Food, Glorious Food |
Breaking News |
Making Changes |
2023 - 2024 |
Making Changes |
Fabulous Fashions |
Doing Good |
2024 - 2025 |
Free to be Me |
Special Delivery |
Design Company |
Students are assessed on Earwig on their specific outcomes.
As we are a nurturing school we regularly assess our students’ emotional well-being using the Boxall Profile.
Upper School (Oxford, Phoenix and Orchard Clusters)
Upper School is made up of Year Groups 10-14. The classes are grouped according to student need and communication style.
With the emphasis on preparing them for adulthood, students have the opportunity to participate in work experience on-site. Opportunities involve working in the school café, reception, administration office and facilities.
Upper School delivers a diverse curriculum based on the students’ destination. We introduced a specially designed Life Skills based curriculum that delivers a holistic, cross curricular approach with four key areas such as kitchen skills, personal skills, home management, accessing the community and independent travel alongside functional communication, reading, writing and maths where appropriate.
The framework is differentiated to meet the needs of the students; most areas of learning also link to various accredited or certificated units/models which are being submitted for certification on a regular basis.
Topics such as Diversity, Internet and road safety, RSE and stranger danger are important and being covered through the curriculum.
Students are assessed on Earwig on their specific outcomes in preparation for adulthood.
As we are a nurturing school we regularly assess our students’ emotional well-being using the Boxall Profile.
Courses available to students at KS4
Functional Skills / Entry Level Certificate in English and Maths
ASDAN - Short Courses, Towards Indpendence, New Horizons, Transition Challenge (Progression/Sensory), My Independence
AQA Unit Awards
Laser Awards
Art Award