

The service is provided by Manor Green School working in partnership with CYPDS and Psychology and Wellbeing to promote change and strengthen the inclusion of children and young people with SEND in mainstream settings.

SENCO Support Services Brochure

Our Aims:

  • To aid students with EHCPs and those who require an EHCP in fully accessing both the curriculum and social and personal aspects of school life through a programme of support designed specifically to meet their needs.
  • To provide training for schools in order for them to build capacity to meet students’ needs and provide a service that forms part of RBWM’s spectrum of provision for pre-school, primary and secondary aged students with SEND.
  • To provide support to schools to meet the needs of students with SEND within a mainstream, by responding positively to requests for training, advice and focussed support.
  • To help provide a smooth transition for children with SEND from pre-school to school and from primary to secondary.

What we do and process

We can help those with children that have:

  • Complex needs, for example: Global Developmental Delay
  • Down's Syndrome
  • Communication and interaction difficulties or diagnosed Autistic Spectrum Conditions
  • Mild physical disabilities, such as impaired motor skills, to more complex physical disabilities

As part of our outreach programme, once an outreach request has been made we will visit your school and observe the targeted student and create a support plan.  The support plan will be individual to the student and may involve:

  • Strategies to support the student in their current settingwith guidance and training for stqff in order to effectively deliver the strategies
  • Recommendations for therapeutic support or intervention package
  • Supprted transition to prepare for a new educational setting, if required.

If appropriate we can also provide training for schools on specific special educational needs and on strategies to support students with additional needs. Areas of training include: Autism, Down’s Syndrome, Global Developmental Delay, positive handling and de-escalation, Lego Therapy and People Handling.


  1. For students to receive targeted support in order to address their needs and make their school placement successful
  2. For schools to develop strategies to meet the needs of their learners
  3. For students to access the best possible placement in order to meet their individual needs

How to Refer:

To refer a student for outreach support please click on the link below and fill in the form. We will aim to get in touch within 2 weeks of the initial request.

Outreach Support Form