How we communicate with parents



Consistent, transparent and meaningful communication between us as a school and the parents/carers of our students is essential in ensuring our students are fully supported in their education; therefore, we share information with parents/carers via the following methods:

  1. Daily Communication Book

This will go back and forth between home and school each day and will provide parents/carers with direct lines of communication to class staff.  Communication books can be replaced with emails if this is a preferred method of communication.

  1. Weekly email and Excellence Everywhere video to parents/carers

Every Friday afternoon an email will be sent to parents/carers and this will include pertinent information such as Key Diary Dates, staff changes, and signposting.  Additionally, our weekly video will also be sent out which highlights learning and activities that our students have been enjoying

  1. School Website

This is the main source of all information relating to the school and is updated frequently.  The ‘Latest News and Information’ section on the Home Page is updated with immediate alerts and items of interest

  1. School reception

Our reception staff are on hand to respond to any day to day queries and will be the first point of contact for school transport issues and attendance.

  1. Senior staff member point of contact

If parents/carers want to liaise directly with a member of the SeniorLeadership Team, then Warren Griffiths (Head of Wellbeing & Safeguarding) is the main point of contact. He can be contacted on 01628 513800, ext 2000 or

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