
NEWS' UPDATE 17.1.25

Dear Parents and Carers

Here is the link to our first Excellence Everywhere video for the term. We hope you enjoy it.



We have had a confirmed case of chickenpox this week in King-Smith class (Puffin cluster). Information about chickenpox can be found on the NHS website.


Swim nappy procedure

We respectfully ask that, if your child requires the use of a nappy or toileting pad, you re-read the letter sent home last November regarding our swim nappy procedure. This procedure allows us to prevent unnecessary pool closures and the additional costs associated with accidents.


Angelman Syndrome

Angelman syndrome is a rare genetic condition that affects the nervous system and causes severe physical and learning disabilities. To raise awareness of the condition, we invite students and staff to wear blue T-shirts to school on Friday, 14 February. This is not a fundraising day. Further information on Angelman's Syndrome can be found on the NHS website.




Brand New Beginners Karate Classes - Maidenhead


Henley College

We’re excited to invite you to our First Information Event of 2025:

Date: Tuesday, 21st January
Time: 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Location: The Henley College

This event offers a wonderful opportunity to:

  • Meet our passionate teachers and staff.
  • Explore the diverse range of programmes we provide, including lots of exciting new courses!
  • Tour both campuses and experience our extensive facilities.
  • Discover what makes The Henley College an inspiring place to learn.

Feel free to drop in at any time during the event. However, to help us plan effectively, we ask you reserve your space in advance using the link below:

[ Book your space here ]

For those considering applying to The Henley College, we recommend submitting applications early to secure your preferred courses. Last year, we received a record number of applications.

We look forward to welcoming you and sharing what makes our college an excellent choice for students.


Community Parent/Carer Support Group - Slough


Bracknell Healthy Parent Carer Programme




NEWS' UPDATE 14.1.25

Dear Parents and Carers

Welcome to the first news' update for this term with my apologies for not sending it out last week. We hope you had an enjoyable Christmas and wish you a belated Happy New Year.


Census day-Thursday 16 January 2025

As a school, we receive funding to cover the costs of providing free school lunches for infant classes. On Thursday 16 January we will be providing information to the Government as part of the School Census. The funding we receive as a school is largely based on the data we provide on that day, which helps to keep meals affordable for all. It is very important to school funding that your child in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 has a school lunch on Thursday 16 January if possible. It doesn't matter if your child won't eat the meal as the benefit to the school and students far outweighs the small amount of food wastage.

With thanks for your support



Last week we had a confirmed case of chickenpox in Early Years (First School). Information about chickenpox can be found on the NHS website.




Changed financial circumstances
If your financial circumstances have changed and you need support or advice, Sharon Carrigan, our Family Adviser may be able to help you. She can be contacted at: or on 01628 513800 extension 2008


Contact details

Please remember to advise the school if your contact details have changed:


Exam contingency day
If you have a child taking exams in summer 2025, please note that the exam contingency day is Wednesday, 25 June 2025 and students taking exams must remain available until this date in case of emergencies and the exam boards needing to invoke their contingency plans.


Medication Questionnaire for new students or any change of doctor

Please remember to complete the student medical and health questionnaire if you are new to school or if you have changed your doctor.


Nut-aware school

Please remember that we are a nut-aware school due to the medical needs of some of our students, so please do not send your child into school with food products that contain nuts. Thank you.


Parent Support Team
If you need help with Microsoft Teams or password resets, etc. please contact our ICT team on:


Privacy Notice
The school's privacy notice is available from the website.


School Policies

School policies are available from the website and are regularly reviewed and updated.


Transport Protocol


  • 08:50 to 09:00: School transport vehicles arrive on site.
  • 09:00: Staff collect students from school transport.
  • 09:00 to 09:10: Parents arrive on site.
  • 09:10: Staff collect students from parents.
  • 09:20 to 09:30: Link parents and Link school transport arrive on site
  • 09:30: Staff collect all Link students
  • School staff must be at the front of the school at 09:00 ready to collect the students from the vehicles.
  • Staff will only wait at the front of the school for the delayed students until 09:20. Staff should wait in the reception area to help communication with the receptionist.


  • 14:20 to 14:30: Link parents and Link school transport arrive on site
  • 14:30: Link students taken to parents and transport
  • 14:40 to 14:50: School transport vehicles arrive on site
  • 14:50: Students on school transport taken to vehicles
  • 14:50 to 15:00: Parents arrive on site
  • 15:00: Students taken to parents
  • Staff must bring all students to the front of school at 14:50 for collection.
  • Students will be brought out to vehicles by school staff in the normal way.
  • Afternoon pick up: escorts should collect the students from the school staff.

Foundation Park

A polite reminder that parents should not be parking at the entrance to Foundation Park when dropping off or picking up children. This is not a drop-off pickup point for the school and we need to respect our neighbours. Thank you for your co-operation.


Weekly emails

If you do not receive our weekly emails please let me know: They are always available from the website.


Contacting the teacher

Please note that if you need to speak to your child’s teacher, we are unable to interrupt lessons unless it is an absolute emergency. You should call between 12-1pm or after 3.15pm. Reception will do their best to contact the teacher, but if this is not possible a message will be left for the teacher to call you back


Arbor (Management Information System) App

We’re using Arbor’s free Parent Portal and Arbor App. Please click here for more information. Should you have any questions please contact


Raising awareness of attendance policy
Please be aware of our Attendance Policy and the rules/requirements around authorised/unauthorised absence.




NEWS' UPDATE 20.12.24

Dear Parents and Carers

As we reach the end of term 2, we send you our very best wishes for a Christmas and the New Year and hope that you all have an enjoyable holiday.

Here is our last Countdown to Christmas - 5 sleeps to go. Enjoy!


MGS Countdown to Christmas - Day Fifteen



We have had a case of shingles in Donaldson class (Ladybird cluster) this week. Information about shingles can be found on the NHS website.



Term ends for students today at 1.30pm. Parents can collect their children from 1.15pm and taxis from 1.30pm.

Term 3 begins on Tuesday, 7 January 2025.


VERY IMPORTANT: School Census - Thursday, 16 January 2024
It is really important that we have as many students as possible in reception, year 1 and year 2 having a school lunch on this day as the number impacts our level of funding. Please do allow your child to have a school meal even if they won't eat it as, for the small amount of food wastage, the benefit to the school is circa £700 per year per student which helps to keep all meals affordable. THANK YOU!


Swimarathon - 12 January 2025

Our students and staff are participating in the Swimarathon again on the 12 January. We would love to see you there and if you would like to sponsor the team here is the link to our Just Giving page.




SEND Voices RWBM December Newsletter


Kidz to Adultz: Knowledge to Action, Issue 27, Art & Expression


For Bracknell families:


Bracknell Parent Carer Forum December Newsletter


Bracknell Forest Council Short Breaks Newsletter December 2024


Bracknell Healthy Parent Carer Programme

Dear Parent Carer,

We are delighted to invite you to the Bracknell Healthy Parent Carer Programme – a free 12-week course designed to support your health, confidence, and wellbeing as a parent carer of a child with SEND.

What’s it about?
This programme will help you:

  • Uncover the strengths and potential within yourself
  • Boost your confidence
  • Make small, meaningful changes that fit into your busy life

Programme Details:

Online Sessions (via Teams):

  • Dates: Thursdays, 9th January – 3rd April 2025
  • Time: 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM

In-Person Sessions:

  • Dates: Tuesdays, 14th January – 8th April 2025
  • Time: 10:30 AM – 1:00 PM
  • Location: The Oaks & Hollies Children’s Centre, Wordsworth, RG12 8QN

This programme is about giving you the time and space to focus on yourself and your wellbeing. It’s not about diets, exercise plans, or to-do lists – it’s about you.

Register now:

Spaces are limited, so we encourage you to book early.

We hope you’ll join us on this journey and look forward to seeing you there.

Warm regards,

Bracknell Parent Carer Forum




NEWS' UPDATE 13.12.24

Dear Parents and Carers

Here is today's link to our Countdown to Christmas - 12 sleeps to go. Enjoy!

MGS Christmas Countdown - Day Ten


GB Annual letter to parents

Please click here for the annual letter to parents from Richard Pelly, Chair of Governors. The letter is also available from the website.


Christmas card competition winners

We are delighted to congratulate the winners of our Christmas card competition. They will all receive a £5 Smiths' gift token.

  • Kevin Korzonek - Browne - Ladybird Cluster
  • Ethan Munoro - Wilson - Puffin Cluster
  • Mekhi Richardson-Small - Tan - Penguin Cluster
  • Joshua Oyinloye - Morpurgo - Usborne Cluster
  • Bethany-Elyse Andrew-Dunn - Hughes - Orchard Cluster
  • Ellie-Marie Russell - Handler - Phoenix Cluster
  • Gureik Daklow - Murphy - Oxford Cluster
  • Ayaan Aamir - The Hive



We have had a case of impetigo in Child class (Puffin Cluster) this week. Information can be found on the NHS website.


Important message from Thames Valley Police - e-Scooters and e-Bikes

Please note the information provided in these leaflets - e-Scooter and e-Bikes. Please also note that these items are a fire risk as they can catch fire whether they are charging or not and batteries can stay alight for weeks under water.




Term ends for students on Friday, 20 December at 1.30pm. Parents can collect their children from 1.15pm and taxis from 1.30pm.


VERY IMPORTANT: School Census - Thursday, 16 January 2024
It is really important that we have as many students as possible in reception, year 1 and year 2 having a school lunch on this day as the number impacts our level of funding. Please do allow your child to have a school meal even if they won't eat it as, for the small amount of food wastage, the benefit to the school is circa £700 per year per student which helps to keep all meals affordable. THANK YOU!


Swimarathon - 12 January 2025

Our students and staff are participating in the Swimarathon again on the 12 January. We would love to see you there and if you would like to sponsor the team here is the link to our Just Giving page.




Boyne Grove Community Centre - Christmas Grotto Garden Trail - Thursday, 19 December




NEWS' UPDATE 6.12.24

Dear Parents and Carers

We hope you have been enjoying our Countdown to Christmas videos. The Excellence Everywhere will recommence in the New Year.


Term ends for students on Friday, 20 December at 1.30pm. Parents can collect their children from 1.15pm and taxis from 1.30pm.


VERY IMPORTANT: School Census - Thursday, 16 January 2024
It is really important that we have as many students as possible in reception, year 1 and year 2 having a school lunch on this day as the number impacts our level of funding. Please do allow your child to have a school meal even if they won't eat it as, for the small amount of food wastage, the benefit to the school is circa £700 per year per student which helps to keep all meals affordable. THANK YOU!




Flu vaccination mop-up session

The vaccination team will be in school on the 10 December if your child missed the vaccinations first time around.


Christmas Lunch - 12 December 2024

Important notice - the date of the Christmas lunch has changed from the 5 December to the 12 December. Everyone is invited to wear their Christmas jumpers.


Swimarathon - 12 January 2025

Our students and staff are participating in the Swimarathon again on the 12 January. We would love to see you there and if you would like to sponsor the team here is the link to our Just Giving page.




Update from TVP - Cyber Protect Webinars (The digital dilemma: Keeping your kids safe online)

Thames Valley Police Cyber Protect are running a free webinar to help parents and carers understand some of the risks young people face online, and how they can best protect themselves and their family from falling victim to cyber criminal behaviours! Covering social media, gaming and emails, this webinar will give you tips and tricks to help you protect them in today’s online world. The webinar is running three times over the next few weeks, and tickets are available here:


Unfortunately, all sessions became fully booked very quickly. Clearly there is a high demand, and as such, we have increased the number of tickets available for each session from 100 to 500, which will hopefully allow many more parents and carers to join! If these are well-attended, the plan will be to then run further sessions in the new year, so please click the “follow” button on our Eventbrite page: Police - South East Cyber Events - 2 Upcoming Activities and Tickets | Eventbrite and check back in January/February, as more events are added regularly throughout the year – often particularly around Safer Internet Day in February.

We apologies to all those who tried to book on to the sessions but were unable to – hopefully you can now secure a spot, or wait for the next round of sessions when they become available.


Research Study

My name is Liv Dawson, and I am a final-year student at Durham University. I’m conducting research as part of my dissertation and would love your help in reaching parents or caregivers in your school community.

The study looks at how parents and caregivers cope with the challenges of supporting children who struggle to attend school due to anxiety or other emotional difficulties (commonly referred to as Emotionally-Based School Avoidance or EBSA). I aim to understand how caregiver stress and resilience shape their experiences, with the hope of improving support for families in the future.

I’m looking to recruit parents or caregivers of young people aged 11–18 who experience these challenges. Taking part involves:

  • Completing a short online questionnaire (around 20 minutes)
  • Optionally, a brief follow-up interview

See flyer with all the necessary details, including how to participate.

Alternatively, the direct study link is here:




NEWS' UPDATE 29.11.24

Dear Parents and Carers

We hope you are enjoying this beautiful sunny day. Here is this week's Excellence Everywhere to make your day even more special.


Flu vaccination mop-up session

The vaccination team will be in school on the 10 December if your child missed the vaccinations first time around.




Christmas Lunch - 12 December 2024

Important notice - the date of the Christmas lunch has changed from the 5 December to the 12 December. Everyone is invited to wear their Christmas jumpers.


Swimarathon - 12 January 2025

Our students and staff are participating in the Swimarathon again on the 12 January. We would love to see you there and if you would like to sponsor the team here is the link to our Just Giving page.


Message from Bracknell Parent Carer Forum

Dear Parent Carers,
This is a message from Bracknell Parent Carer Forum, a group of parent carers who take your views of Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) services in Bracknell Forest (Health, Education and Social Care) to the service providers.
Our annual SEND Services Survey is now live, and we’d greatly appreciate your participation. The survey will close on 2nd December 2024.

We kindly ask that you:

  • Complete the survey, even if you haven’t accessed all services in the last 12 months.
  • Submit a separate response for each child/young person with SEND in your family, as experiences can vary.

Your feedback helps us monitor service performance, compare with previous surveys, and advocate for necessary changes. It provides crucial evidence to demonstrate the impact of SEND Services on children and young people in Bracknell Forest.

Thank you so much for your time,

Bracknell Parent Carer Forum




Maidenhead PCN Roots and Branches Seminar - Tuesday 17 December 2024

November IAS Newsletter

Maidenhead Mencap Chill Out Club

GEMS Virtual Coffee Morning - 6 December 2024

GEMS Virtual Coffee Morning - Autism / ADHD and the Family - 20 December 2024




NEWS' UPDATE 22.11.24

Dear Parents and Carers

We hope you have had a good week. Here is this week's Excellence Everywhere. As usual, we are so proud of our amazing students.


Upper School Awards' Celebration 28 November 2024

If you have a child receiving certificates you will have received an invitation letter. If you plan on attending, please ensure you return the reply form so that we can arrange seating and parking. Thank you.


Christmas Lunch - 12 December 2024

Important notice - the date of the Christmas lunch has changed from the 5 December to the 12 December. Please complete this FORM whether your child will have lunch or not by TODAY. Thank you.


Christmas Shop - open until 25 November

The Christmas shop will be open again from the 15-25 November 2024 so if you have missed making your orders, please log on to and complete the details provided for your child on the order card already sent home. This will be the last opportunity to make orders.

If you have already made orders, these will be sent home with your children next week.


Swimarathon - 12 January 2025

Our students and staff are participating in the Swimarathon again on the 12 January. We would love to see you there and if you would like to sponsor the team here is the link to our Just Giving page.




GEMS Virtual Coffee Morning 6.12.24


Bracknell Forest Families Newsletter 15.11.24

Contains SEND information as well as the more general pre-Christmas information


£1 Christmas Books

Are you looking for inexpensive books to give the kids this Christmas? Well, we could just be what you’re looking for. Please visit, where

all our books are just £1 each, including some fantastic local children’s fun titles. Flyer.




NEWS' UPDATE 15.11.24

Dear Parents and Carers

We have important news to share with you this week about our academy status and the following message comes from our Headteacher:


As most of you may remember, last academic year we consulted with you on converting to academy status and forming our own Multi Academy Trust (MAT) with fellow SEN schools Addington and Brookfields. The conversion was slightly delayed due to the change in government, but I am delighted to say that this will now officially take place on the 1st December 2024.

It was a bold decision to form our own MAT rather than join an existing trust, but we believe the benefits to the school will be huge. Working collaboratively with other specialist school allows us to keep inclusion and the improvement of provision for young people with SEN at the absolute forefront of everything we do. As schools and as a trust, we share the same values and this partnership enhances the educational growth of all the schools.

I want to reassure you that at Manor Green, our vision, aims and ethos remain unchanged. We strive to provide “Excellence for all” and keep Manor Green at the very heart of this community.

Having spent the last 8 years as the Deputy, then Associate Head of Manor Green, I feel privileged and honoured to be taking on the Headship leading Manor Green through the next stage of our journey and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support and look forward to continuing to work with you.

Helen Hannam



Ascendancy Partnership Trust (APT) Welcome letter from the CEO


Here is the link to this week's Excellence Everywhere.


Coffee, cake and chat - 22 November 2024

The Coffee and Chat on Friday, 22 November will be taking place in the Conference Room between 9.30 and 11am, instead of in the Cafe. There will still be cake!! This will then be followed by the usual Coffee and Chat for those parents and carers attending First School Stay and Play that morning. Donna from RBWM Information, Advice and Support Service and Yingni from SEND Voices (parent carer forum) will also be around for a chat, advice and any questions.


Christmas Lunch - 12 December 2024

Important notice - the date of the Christmas lunch has changed from the 5 December to the 12 December. Please complete this FORM whether your child will have lunch or not by the 21 November. Thank you.


Christmas Shop

The Christmas shop will be open again from the 15-25 November 2024 so if you have missed making your orders, please log on to and complete the details provided for your child on the order card already sent home. This will be the last opportunity to make orders.




SEND Voices November Newsletter


Free tickets - Cinderella on Ice show

"Absolutely Together" have informed us that they have 25 pairs of tickets for the Cinderella on Ice show on the 15 December at 2pm to give to families that have SEN children. If you are interested please email Tickets will be given on a first come first served basis.




NEWS' UPDATE 8.11.24

Dear Parents and Carers

Here is the link to this week's Excellence Everywhere. Enjoy!


Christmas Lunch - 12 December 2024

Important notice - the date of the Christmas lunch has changed from the 5 December to the 12 December. Please complete this FORM whether your child will have lunch or not by the 21 November. Thank you.


Christmas Shop

The Christmas shop will be open again from the 15-25 November 2024 so if you have missed making your orders, please log on to and complete the details provided for your child on the order card already sent home. This will be the last opportunity to make orders.


Key Diary Dates - updated to v5.


UKHSA issues health advice following half term break

The UKHSA has reminded parents how to reduce the spread of stomach bugs and winter illnesses now that we are entering the second half of the autumn term. The agency has reported an increase in cases of flu and norovirus over the last two weeks and has provided tips to parents to help navigate the winter months




Pantomime - Braywick Leisure Centre, Maidenhead

Working in partnership with Maidenhead Panto we have 2 x EARLY BOOKING TICKET OFFERS for you:

With regards to the offer we would like to run £3 off every ticket for pupils and £5 off every ticket for staff. Here are the codes:

  1. PUPILS / FAMILIES of A&MSSP Member Primary Schools - AMSSP-2024_PUPIL

EARLY BOOKING OFFER expires on 22 November 2024. Discount applies to adult and under 16s tickets only.

Valid at 5pm on Sunday 15 December 2024 and 1pm on Saturday 21 December 2024 ONLY


Gymfinity Kids

Gymfinity Kids in Bracknell are a Gymnastics and Ninja club offering classes for children of all abilities from walking – 16 years old. We have amazing state of the art facilities with fantastic coaches who support and train our members through the easiest to the hardest skills. We are currently offering free trial sessions where a child can come and try a class with us for FREE. Please see flyer for more details



NEWS' UPDATE 30.10.24

Dear Parents and Carers

Please accept my apologies for the lack of a recent update. Consequently, you have two Excellence Everywhere videos to enjoy :


Excellence Everywhere 18.10.24

Excellence Everywhere 25.10.24.


Maidenhead Advertiser - First Class Photographs

The First Class supplement is in this week's Maidenhead Advertiser and photos are available for purchase online. Here is the link FIRST CLASS 136606 - Photo 1 of 8 - Baylis Media Photos


Whole School Photographs

Photograph order forms were sent home with the students last week. If you wish to order photographs and haven't yet done so, please follow the instructions on the order form and make your orders on line as soon as possible.


Christmas Orders

Order forms were sent home last week. The deadline for orders is 12 noon, tomorrow, 31 October. Please make your orders on line following the instructions on the order form and in last week's email.


Autumn / Winter Lunch Menu

The new menu takes effect from Monday, 4 November and is available from the website. Recipes are available on request from


ASDA Cashpot for Schools

Asda is making millions of pounds available to donate to schools across the UK through their ‘Cashpot for Schools’ initiative – all you have to do is, opt in through the Asda Rewards app, choose Manor Green School and shop and scan in store or shop online at, till the 30th November 2024. Asda will donate 0.5% of the value of your shop to our school. Also, every time somebody opts in, Asda will give an additional £1 to the school Cashpot. Plus, it doesn’t stop there – Asda are also giving £50 to every school to get them started. Please support us.



  • Term starts Monday, 4 November 2024
  • Coffee & Chat in school, Friday, 8 November 2024, 9.30-11.00am.




Mencap Chill Out Club, Maidenhead

Registration Form


Bracknell Forest Short Breaks October Newsletter


GEMS Virtual Coffee Morning - Demand Avoidance - 22 November 2024


IAS October Newsletter


Survey - South East Strength and Needs Led Support (Autism and ADHD)

We are sharing the information below on behalf of the Children and Young People’s Transformation Lead- Neurodiversity At Frimley ICB.We are inviting the Parents and Carers to complete this anonymous survey in relation to Strength and Needs Led Support. The deadline of this survey will be by 5th November 2024.

The survey aims to gather insights about:-

  • the main reasons parents and carers seek an autism or ADHD assessment for their child or young person
  • the challenges faced by families during the assessment process
  • inequities that may be experienced in accessing services
  • understand the barriers to accessing 'strengths and needs' led support for young people with or without a confirmed diagnosis.


Link - Strength and Needs Led Support Survey (autism and ADHD) (

Your contribution is crucial to the success of our programme, and we would greatly appreciate your assistance in sharing this information with your group of parents and carers.


FACE October/November Timetable

FACE November Newsletter




NEWS' UPDATE 11.10.24

Dear Parents and Carers

Welcome to this week's update. Here is this week's Excellence Everywhere for you to enjoy!

Congratulations to the following students who were successful in school office appointments:


Student Appointment




Student Leaders

Reece Barratt-Jones


Kahlo (Yellow)


Nathanael Elks


Hawking (Red)


Oscar Gray


Packham (Green)


Rian Smith


Martinez (Blue)

House Captains - First School

Adi Bose


Martinez (Blue)


Theo Jack


Packham (Green)


Amelia Woolford


Hawking (Red)


Jairus Nyantakyi


Kahlo (Yellow)

House Captains - Middle School

Luke Follett


Martinez (Blue)


Sadie Heneghan


Packham (Green)


Beau Hammond


Hawking (Red)


Ava Glen


Kahlo (Yellow)

House Captains - Upper School

James Ridgley


Martinez (Blue)


Kayden Dawson-Jones


Packham (Green)


Elizabeth Head


Hawking (Red)


Jordan Breach


Kahlo (Yellow)

Vice House Captains - First School

Emily Gawthrop


Martinez (Blue)


Cameron Smith


Packham (Green)


Isla Pearce


Hawking (Red)


George Roake


Kahlo (Yellow)

Vice Captains - Middle School

Natalia Nowacka


Martinez (Blue)


Jasper Craig


Packham (Green)


Sophie Louise Mobey


Hawking (Red)


Alexandra Beale


Kahlo (Yellow)

Vice Captains - Upper School

Bobby Lambert


Martinez (Blue)


Ben Miller


Packham (Green)


Oliver Holmes


Hawking (Red)


Spencer Winson


Kahlo (Yellow)

School Council - Middle School

Samuel Marks


Kahlo (Yellow)


Aiden Gumbs


Packham (Green)


Luke Follett


Martinez (Blue)


Nikita Michitiuc


Hawking (Red)


Rocco Chiappetta


Martinez (Blue)


Alexandra Beale


Kahlo (Yellow)


Ethan Edwards


Hawking (Red)


Lewis Willingale


Hawking (Red)

School Council - Upper School

Bobby Lambert


Martinez (Blue)


Zan Shooter


Hawking (Red)


Felix Lockley


Packham (Green)


Billy Richardson


Kahlo (Yellow)


Zakk Burks


Hawking (Red)


Spencer Winson


Kahlo (Yellow)


Muddathir Khaalid


Kahlo (Yellow)


Zeyn Kaynatmalar


Kahlo (Yellow)


Elizabeth Head


Hawking (Red)


James Ridgley


Martinez (Blue)


Riley Russell


Hawking (Red)


Luca Cummings


Martinez (Blue)


Jack King


Packham (Green)


Oscar Litherland


Hawking (Red)


Samah Zulqarnain


Hawking (Red)


Ethan Dennehy


Packham (Green)


Mawuli Williams


Hawking (Red)


Reece Barratt-Jones


Kahlo (Yellow)


Oscar Gray


Packham (Green)


Zofia Ostapko


Kahlo (Yellow)



  • Tuesday, 15 October, 9.30-11.00 - Hum Jolly
  • Wednesday, 16 October - school photographs
  • Friday, 18 October, 09.45-11.00 - First School Harvest Festival




SLEIGH WHAT?!… Alexander Devine’s Santa Dash is back for 2024!

Berkshire’s best Santa Dash is back! Kickstart the festive season with Alexander Devine’s 5KM Santa Dash in Windsor on Sunday
1st December 2024. The perfect way to start your festive season, join our school community and take on 5KM... Run it, walk it, jog it, dance it - your dash, your way! Put on your Santa suits (or reindeer antlers) and join us this December to help raise vital funds for our children's hospice service.

To find out more, and book your space, visit: Plus, by booking your tickets early before Thursday 31st October, you can take advantage of
the early bird offer by using the code SANTA24 to receive 10% off! We hope that you will join our school’s team to support this fantastic local charity all whilst getting into the festive spirit!


PINS Webinar 17 October 2024 / Coffee morning 22 October 2024


GEMS Support through winter




NEWS' UPDATE 4.10.24

Dear Parents and Carers

We are delighted to share our first Excellence Everywhere video for this academic year. We hope you enjoy it.


Key Diary Dates

The updated Key diary dates (version 4) are available from the website.


What you need to know about e-Scooters



🚨 URGENT! Filling Good Needs Your Help! 🚨

Hey amazing Filling Good family! 💚💦 We’ve made great progress with the leak situation, we’re working hard to reopen, explore alternative premises and ways to continue serving you and hear the soothing sound of the peanut butter machine again. 🧘💛

Now we need your help more than ever keep our zero-waste mission alive! 🌍✨

Please consider donating at the link below:

👉 Donate here: 🙏

💙 Every donation counts—no matter how big or small! Help us get back to serving you and making the planet a little greener. 🌱

💡 How else can you help?

SHARE this message with your friends and family! ❤️

Know of any temporary spaces? Let us know at!

Thank you for your incredible love and support! 🙌

#SaveFillingGood #CommunityLove #ZeroWaste 🌍✨


Maidenhead's Big Read

We are delighted that our application to “Tesco Stronger Starts” Scheme has been successful. Our MBR project has now been put forward to a customer vote in 6 local Tesco stores until Mid January 2025. To vote, one will need to make a purchase within the store of any value, receiving one token per transaction. The project with the highest number of votes across the region will receive £1,500🤞, the second placed project £1,000 and the third placed project £500. Please support us. More information can be found here.


Berkshire Music Trust - Windsor Music Centre

Ensembles for all ages and abilities. Click here for more information. If cost of membership is a barrier we do offer a bursary granting £60 off a lesson or activity each term - you can find it here:





NEWS' UPDATE 27.9.24

Dear Parents and Carers

Further to our previous communications and in light of the unpredictable weather we are currently experiencing, please keep an eye on the website if there are any weather warnings. We will also keep you updated regarding any issues via text.


Our wonderful Pat

You may or may not know that our wonderful Pat Morgan will be leaving us on Thursday, 3 October after 14 years of amazing service to the school. We are all devastated to lose her but she is leaving to work with her husband and follow a new career path. There will be goodbye picnics and parties within classes on the Thursday afternoon for Pat. It goes without saying that we will all miss Pat very much, but we wish her and her family all the best for the future and we know she will stay in touch. There will be a book in reception for any parents that would like to come and write a goodbye message for Pat.


Reminder - swimming attire

If students wear a pull up or a nappy for swimming, parents are respectfully asked to provide a neoprene swim nappy and a disposable swim nappy/pull up for the lesson. Failure to provide these items will result in the child/children not being able to swim.


Starwish book on Amazon

Our very own Vincenza Tagliarini's son, Luca has had his book "Starwish" published on Amazon and it is available to purchase.


Online uniform shop

Our online uniform shop is now up and running and items can be purchased through School Shop on Arbor. The shop is being run by students as part of the work experience programme and orders will be processed on a Thursday and delivered to the classes on a Friday.

Any questions, please contact


Ready, Steady, Read

We are extending our Reading Challenge until October Half Term.

"Research shows that children have been found to slide back as much as one month’s reading progress over the summer holidays. We want to support our students by collaborating with Usbourne in a sponsored reading challenge over the summer. The challenge is called ‘Ready Steady Read’ and was created by Usborne Publishing. 100% of the money raised from sponsorship will go towards our school being able to spend on books of our choice, and Usborne will match donations by up to 60% on top!

This is tailored to all our students, being read to also counts! It is completely optional and based on voluntary donations from student's families & friends to support our school"

Sponsorship Form


Parallel Windsor
You can access the highlights for this year via YouTube HERE and download the film file HERE. The film is rights free, so you can use and share far and wide as much as you please..



  • Hum Jolly in school cafe - Tuesday, 1 October 9.30-11am






NEWS' UPDATE 12.9.24

Dear Parents and Carers

We hope the summer was good to you and that your child has settled back in to school and is enjoying their new class.



As expected, there has been a massive response for the relatively small number of tickets available! I still need to contact those families who haven't stated which performance they would prefer or how many tickets they would like if successful.

Once I've done this, all requests will be put in the tombola drum and then drawn out at random until the tickets have been allocated, as mentioned in my previous email.

No further requests will be included after Monday 16th September. Those who have been successful will be informed next week.

Sharon Carrigan, Family Adviser.


Key Diary Dates

The Key Diary Dates for 2024-25 are available from the website. Please note that items in red are yet to be agreed.

Key Diary Dates - Term 1

  • Friday, 13 September - Coffee & Chat in the school cafe from 9:30-11:00
  • Tuesday, 17 September - Hum Jolly in school cafe from 9:30-11:00




Changed financial circumstances
If your financial circumstances have changed and you need support or advice, Sharon Carrigan, our Family Adviser may be able to help you. She can be contacted at: or on 01628 513800 extension 2008


Contact details

Please remember to advise the school if your contact details have changed:


Medication Questionnaire for new students or any change of doctor

Please remember to complete the student medical and health questionnaire if you are new to school or if you have changed your doctor.


Nut-free school

Please remember that we are a nut-free school due to the medical needs of some of our students, so please do not send your child into school with food products that contain nuts. Thank you.


Parent Support Team
If you need help with Microsoft Teams or password resets, etc. please contact our ICT team on:


Privacy Notice
The school's privacy notice is available from the website.


School Policies

School policies are available from the website and are regularly reviewed and updated.


Transport Protocol


  • 08:50 to 09:00: School transport vehicles arrive on site.
  • 09:00: Staff collect students from school transport.
  • 09:00 to 09:10: Parents arrive on site.
  • 09:10: Staff collect students from parents.
  • 09:20 to 09:30: Link parents and Link school transport arrive on site
  • 09:30: Staff collect all Link students
  • School staff must be at the front of the school at 09:00 ready to collect the students from the vehicles.
  • Staff will only wait at the front of the school for the delayed students until 09:20. Staff should wait in the reception area to help communication with the receptionist.


  • 14:20 to 14:30: Link parents and Link school transport arrive on site
  • 14:30: Link students taken to parents and transport
  • 14:40 to 14:50: School transport vehicles arrive on site
  • 14:50: Students on school transport taken to vehicles
  • 14:50 to 15:00: Parents arrive on site
  • 15:00: Students taken to parents
  • Staff must bring all students to the front of school at 14:50 for collection.
  • Students will be brought out to vehicles by school staff in the normal way.
  • Afternoon pick up: escorts should collect the students from the school staff.

Foundation Park

A polite reminder that parents should not be parking at the entrance to Foundation Park when dropping off or picking up children. This is not a drop-off pickup point for the school and we need to respect our neighbours. Thank you for your co-operation.


Weekly emails

If you do not receive our weekly emails please let me know: They are always available from the website.


Contacting the teacher

Please note that if you need to speak to your child’s teacher, we are unable to interrupt lessons unless it is an absolute emergency. You should call between 12-1pm or after 3.15pm. Reception will do their best to contact the teacher, but if this is not possible a message will be left for the teacher to call you back


Arbor (Management Information System) App

We’re using Arbor’s free Parent Portal and Arbor App. Please click here for more information. Should you have any questions please contact


Raising awareness of attendance policy
Please be aware of our Attendance Policy and the rules/requirements around authorised/unauthorised absence.




IAS September Newsletter


Berkshire Music Trust

Berkshire Music Trust invite you to join our Mini Maestro's (Reception, Year 1, Year 2) and/or the Children’s Choir (Reception – Year 3) sessions,

held on Saturday mornings at Windsor Music Centre.

These group sessions provide an excellent foundation for developing musical skills, preparing for instrumental learning, and enjoying the experience of performing in a supportive environment.

Windsor Music Centre - at Dedworth Middle School

Saturday 14 September: Free TASTER session!!!

9:30 – 10:00 Children’s Choir

10:05 – 10:45 Mini Maestros

Anyone from ages 4 – 7 years old (Reception to Year 3) are welcome to join us.

Please book your spot by emailing Lisa Frangs

Session Start Date: 21 September 2024 (every week during term time)

8:55 – 9:25 Mini Maestros Reception

9:30 – 10:00 Children’s Choir

10:05 – 10:45 Mini Maestros Year 1

10:50 – 11:30 Mini Maestros Year 2


(From Jamie Read at Berkshire Music Trust)

I wanted to let you know how thrilled I am that we are launching our Soundabout Associate Choir here at Berkshire Music Trust this month. The choir - which meets online - will be a fun, creative and fully inclusive music project aimed at ages 11-23 and their families/carers. More details can be found at BERKSHIRE MUSIC TRUST - SOUNDABOUT CHOIR


Inclusive Girls' Football

Marlow Football Club has been at the forefront of developing opportunities for girls to play football for many years, and is now the largest girls’ football club in the area. Marlow FC runs teams for girls of all ages and abilities from reception through to under 18s, and our existing Wildcats training is very popular and we continue to offer this free of charge for girls aged up to 11. This commitment to girls football has led us to launch a new initiative to offer inclusive football for girls. See flyer for more details.




NEWS' UPDATE 25.7.24

Dear Parents and Carers

We have reached a couple of milestones today. One is the end of another successful academic year with us seeing many of our older students moving on to pastures new and the second is a change in our headship. As you are all aware, we will become part of the Ascendancy Partnership Trust in September and, as a result, Joolz Scarlett will be standing down as Headteacher and taking up the role of CEO for the Trust. I'm sure you all join with me in thanking her for her time and commitment as Head (since 2016) and wish her well in her new role. She will still be based at school so you may see her about.


Helen Hannam, our current Associate Headteacher, will be taking on the role of Headteacher from September and again, please join me in thanking her for taking on the role and wishing her well in her new challenge.


Fast Track parking applications

If you require a fast pass for drop-off or collection at school, please complete this FORM and your request will be considered. The outcome of your application will be communicated with you.


Coffee and Chat mornings

The parent/carer "Coffee and Chat" mornings will continue during the next academic year.

As now, these will generally take place every other week but the actual dates have yet to be arranged. The venue (MGS Cafe) and time (9.30am - 11am) will remain the same.

HOWEVER, they will be held on a Friday morning, NOT on a Thursday, as at present.

Occasional guest speaker sessions will also be planned. These will be on a specific topic - for example benefits advice or Transition/Preparing for Adulthood - but if anyone has any ideas or suggestions please let Sharon Carrigan know:


Mumps and Slapped Cheek Syndrome

We have had a confirmed case of mumps in King-Smith class (Puffin cluster) and several reported cases of slapped cheek syndrome in Browne class (Ladybird Cluster) this week. Further information can be found on the NHS websites:

Alexander Devine Accessible Playground

Alexander Devine can now offer the following dates during the summer holidays for their accessible playground and sensory garden:

  • Friday 2nd August 9:30-12:30pm
  • Tuesday 6th August 9:30-12:30pm
  • Thursday 8th August 9:30-12:30pm
  • Monday 12th August 9:30-12:30pm
  • Tuesday 13th August 9:30-12:30pm
  • Monday 19th August 9:30-12:30pm
  • Thursday 29th August 9:30-12:30pm

If you wish to use the playground, please email with the following two forms completed and confirmation of which session you’d like. You will then get confirmation by email that you’re booked in.

Playground Session Sign-in Sheet

Playground disclaimer

There’s accessible toilets available to use inside if needed, but there’s no food available. Please feel free to bring in lunch and snacks but do take any rubbish home with you.

Any questions then please contact Kelly on 07966975279.




Term starts for students on Wednesday, 4 September 2024.




“Circus Starr” advance notice

Circus Starr is an independent, charitable organisation that supports disadvantaged and disabled children across the UK. Established in 1987, we provide new opportunities for children and their families to enjoy the spectacle of live performance, creating shared memories that will last a lifetime.”

Please see website for more information such as a free sensory story pack, FAQs etc:

Many of our families have enjoyed free “Circus Starr” performances over the years, courtesy of generous donations made by local businesses. Previously held in a Big Top circus tent, our local shows now take place at The Curve, Slough, SL1 1XY

More details about the venue (including parking) here:

SAVE THE DATE: Wednesday 25th September 2024

Performances are @ 4.45pm and 7pm.

Information about ticket availability and how to claim them will be provided on our return to school in September.



Windsor Castle - Summer Family Fun Day - Knight Wanted

As part of our on-going aim to ‘reach out’ we are also opening Pug Yard Learning Centre on Tuesday 27 August for a Free Family Fun Day.

This will be an entirely free day run entirely within the Learning Centre (no access to the castle.)

We have chosen your schools families to be invited along this time around.

Here is a link. Note, the event is not visible on our website and is not open to the general public.


GEMS - Managing anxiety workshop - 24 September 2024, 10:00-12:00

Booking link:


Housing Solutions' Summer Event - 15 August 2024, 13:00-16:00

Carnival fun day, free of charge.


Bracknell Forest's Short Breaks' July Newsletter


IAS Summer Newsletter


Eton Action Fair will take place on Saturday, 14 September 2024. Further information will follow in September.


On behalf of everyone at MGS - we hope you have a restful and enjoyable summer.







Andy Craig has been successful in the parent governor ballot and so becomes our new parent governor with effect from 1/9/24. He replaces Fiona ODonnell who has been appointed a Member of the Ascendancy Partnership Trust (our academy).

Votes were as follows:


Electronic votes

Paper votes

Total votes

Elizabeth Ndegwa




Andy Craig




Please join me in thanking both nominees for standing and our congratulations to Andy on his appointment.




NEWS' UPDATE 18.7.24

Dear Parents and Carers

We are well and truly on the count-down to the end of term with students joining their new classes next Tuesday, 23 July. Please remember that tomorrow and Monday are staff training days and there is no school for students.

There is no Excellence Everywhere this week, but we hope to share the last one for 2023-2024 with you next week.


Parent Governor Election
This closes tomorrow so please do vote. The outcome will be shared on Monday.

Parent Governor Ballot


Meet the Team: Monday, 22 July

We hope you are looking forward to meeting the teams on Monday from 2pm to 2.45pm. On arrival please make your way to reception to sign in. A member of your child’s new class team will greet you and take you down to class. We look forward to seeing you all.




Free School Meal Vouchers for the summer holidays

These have been emailed home to families entitled to vouchers this week.


Lunch price increase
Unfortunately, costs dictate that we need to increase our lunch prices to £2.80 from September. These will be reviewed again later in the year.


End of term transport arrangements
School ends at 1.30pm on Thursday, 25 July 2024. Please note that collection times will be as follows, with thanks for your co-operation:

  • Transport at 1.20pm
  • Parents at 1.30pm


Construction - Equipment and Materials Needed
We are excited to announce that starting this September, our school will be launching a new construction course aimed at providing students with practical skills in bricklaying, painting and decorating, and various DIY tasks. To make this program a success, we are seeking donations of equipment and materials. Your support in providing items such as paint, brushes, wallpaper, bricks, and general DIY tools would be greatly appreciated. These donations will help our students gain valuable hands-on experience and prepare them for future employment opportunities in the construction industry. Thank you for your generosity and support in making this initiative a reality.




Family First Magazine

Proudly supporting the NHS in improving the physical and mental wellbeing of families living in England


Braywick Nature Festival - 26 and 27 July




Slough Olympica - free family fun day - 28 July





Dear Parents and Carers

If you are entitled to Free School Meal vouchers for the summer holidays, they will be sent via email this week - £60 per student.





NEWS' UPDATE 11.7.24

Dear Parents and Carers

lease click HERE for this week's Excellence Everywhere video.


Message from The Chair of Trustees, Ascendancy Partnership Trust

Good afternoon everyone,

I am writing to update you on the progress of the formation of Ascendancy Partnership Trust. The recruitment for the Executive Team, who will run the Trust on the Trustees behalf, has been finalised. I am very pleased to announce that, following a thorough and detailed recruitment process, the people who have been appointed to the Executive Team are as follows:

  • Chief Executive Officer (CEO) - Joolz Scarlett
  • Chief Financial Officer (CFO) (job share) - Sue Tod and Didem Allen
  • Director of Education - Sara Attra
  • Director of HR - Helen Reeves
  • Director of Estates & Operations - Tanya Marley

Attached is a 'meet the team' document, so you know a little more about each person. I hope you will join me in congratulating them on their appointment and wishing them well in their new roles.

Headteachers from the individual schools will outline what changes this makes to their own internal organisational structures, if any, and this will be communicated before the end of term.

This begins a new era of formalised collaboration between our highly regarded special schools; bringing with it opportunities to share resources, training, knowledge, experience and insight. We wholeheartedly believe this will vastly strengthen the educational experience of all the young people in our care and improve outcomes for them.

May I take this opportunity to wish you a lovely summer holiday and I look forward to meeting you in due course.

Kind regards
Mark Trepte


Message from the Headteacher

Following on from Mark Trepte’s message announcing the executive appointments for Ascendancy Partnership Trust, I am delighted to inform you of the following appointments agreed by Manor Green’s Governing Board to replace the members of our Leadership Team moving to the Trust.

  • Helen Hannam - Headteacher and Principal
  • Warren Griffiths - Deputy Principal
  • Anna Weir - Head of HR

The Head of Estates and Operations' operational duties will be undertaken by the Facilities' Manager role.

I am sure you will join me in congratulating all new appointments to these teams. I have truly loved my 11 years in Leadership at Manor Green and I am delighted to be moving on to a role that maintains my strong link with the school and its amazing students and staff. I truly believe this is an exciting time for the school. This development will continue to enhance the outcomes we can achieve together for all the young people we work so tirelessly for.

Kind regards
Joolz Scarlett


Well done and congratulations
Our very own Oscar Litherland completed a 5km fun run for Parallel Windsor (Disability Inclusion Festival) last Sunday, 7 July 2024 and we are all very proud of him.


Lunch price increase
Unfortunately, costs dictate that we need to increase our lunch prices to £2.80 from September. These will be reviewed again later in the year.


End of term transport arrangements
School ends at 1.30pm on Thursday, 25 July 2024. Please note that collection times will be as follows, with thanks for your co-operation:

  • Transport at 1.20pm
  • Parents at 1.30pm


Construction - Equipment and Materials Needed
We are excited to announce that starting this September, our school will be launching a new construction course aimed at providing students with practical skills in bricklaying, painting and decorating, and various DIY tasks. To make this program a success, we are seeking donations of equipment and materials. Your support in providing items such as paint, brushes, wallpaper, bricks, and general DIY tools would be greatly appreciated. These donations will help our students gain valuable hands-on experience and prepare them for future employment opportunities in the construction industry. Thank you for your generosity and support in making this initiative a reality.


Message from Danny Gomm, Family Hub Manager, Achieving for Children - SAFE Project Survey

We are running a survey to find out young people and parents/carers views about young people being safe in the local community. The feedback will help guide the action plan developed by the New ROTH Community Safety Sub Group. Please click HERE for the flyer with the QR code. Young people can also print off a PDF version of the survey for completion. We are hoping to produce additional versions of this survey for young people with SEND and will send them out once complete. We are also using the survey to find out how other residents feel about their safety in relation to young people (as YP are the biggest cause of residents' worries linked to crime.... based on RBWM survey last year).


Message from Thames Valley Police
Following the resounding success and popularity of the Parents & Carers Cyber Choices webinars we ran back in February and March of this year, we have set up four more sessions over the summer.

The Cyber Choices sessions for parents, looking at how we can help to safeguard young people from committing computer misuse offences, and why this needs to happen, can be booked now via this link: Cyber Choices by Police - South East Cyber | Eventbrite

These sessions last around an hour, are totally FREE to attend, and we had such positive responses when we ran these before. They are aimed at parents/carers of a wide range of children/young people, from KS2 pupils (7-8 year olds) right up to college/uni students (18+) Each webinar covers the same material, so they need only sign up for one of them

My colleagues in Cyber Protect are running separate webinars for parents and carers, with a focus on protecting children from online threats. These sessions – also FREE - can be booked here: Online Safety for Parents by Police - South East Cyber | Eventbrite



  • Transition and Staff Training Days: Friday 19 July and Monday 22 July - no school for students
  • Monday 22 July at 2pm - Meet the Team for parents/carers
  • Tuesday 23 July to Thursday 25 July - transition for students (in their new classes)
  • Thursday 25 July - term ends at 1.30pm


Parent Governor Election
We have two nominations and ballots have been sent to you electronically (if we have an email) otherwise by post. If by post, the letters will go out today. The closing date for voting is Friday, 19 July 2024. Please note that you can only make one vote per parent, either electronically or paper and you must include your voter number on the ballot paper otherwise your vote will not be counted. If you have any questions, please contact me at school on extension 6004.


End of year reports
Please note that the report format is changing this year. If you have any questions, please contact your class teacher.


Ready Steady Read - sponsored read over the summer holidays
Letter to parents
Reading Log with sponsor QR code



Ask for Henry at Morrisons - free jacket potato and cheesy beans

IAS July Newsletter

GEMS virtual coffee morning, Friday 20 September 2024 - Eating and Food

Holidays, play and leisure over the summer holidays

Summer holidays, animal and equine experiences

RBWM SEND Voices Update





Dear Parents and Carers

It has just come to my attention that my email for the 20 June is still sat in drafts so my apologies for not having sent it. There was an Excellence Everywhere that week so I am sharing it with you now, together with this week's:

Excellence Everywhere 21.6.24

Excellence Everywhere 5.7.24


We hope you are all enjoying the sunshine which has finally arrived. Please remember to send your child in with sun cream, sun hats and water bottles as appropriate.


Parent Governor Election
We have two nominations and ballots have been sent to you electronically (if we have an email) otherwise by post. If by post, the letters will go out today. The closing date for voting is Friday, 19 July 2024. Please note that you can only make one vote per parent, either electronically or paper and you must include your voter number on the ballot paper otherwise your vote will not be counted. If you have any questions, please contact me at school on extension 6004.


Summer Fair Thank You

On behalf of the Friends of Manor Green School (PTA), I'd like to say a huge thank you to everyone who visited our Summer Fair on Sunday. Your support for the school is very much appreciated and we hope you all had a great time. Thankfully, the weather improved as the afternoon wore on, which is probably why we had a few items of clothing left behind! Please contact Sharon Carrigan, Family Adviser: or 07377 800285 if you are missing any of the following:

  • Small red Umbro Manchester United sweatshirt
  • Age 9-10 years black hoodie with Brooklyn NYC logo
  • Adult sized thin white M & S cardigan (found near disabled parking bays

These items will be kept in the wellbeing office and then donated to charity if still unclaimed by the end of term. Thank you.


Ready Steady Read - sponsored read over the summer holidays
Letter to parents
Reading Log with sponsor QR code



End of year reports
Please note that the report format is changing this year. If you have any questions, please contact your class teacher.


Parallel Windsor - 7 July 2024

Parallel Windsor is a Festival of Inclusivity with Challenge Events for all ages, health conditions & abilities. It will be held in the grounds of the majestic Windsor Great Park & staged on the iconic Long Walk. Full details of this event can be found on the website here: and also on the flyer.

Booking is now open for this event

Andrew Douglas, CEO of Parallel Lifestyle, has confirmed that he has set up MGS with a 50% discount code for their challenge events, which he hopes will enable more of our families to come and enjoy a day out at Parallel Windsor. This discount is also valid for all teachers and support staff.

The code is MGS50 and can be applied at check out to all challenge event entries.

This should now result in the following costs to come to the event:

Challenge Events: £9.75 – This also includes medal, t-shirt, goody bag and entry to the Festival

Festival only ticket: £7.50

Car Parking for the day: £7.50


Tom Fry from MGS has also created a school team that everyone can sign up to if they wish. When registering for tickets, there are options to: join team, make team or individual - the code is MGS 2024.



Henley Regatta for the disabled - 31 August 2024

IAS June Newsletter


Oral Health Campaign - Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust

Please see information below regarding Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust current Oral Health Campaign focusing on ‘Effective Toothbrushing’ for different age groups and those with sensory needs. There is a short video on ‘Brushing Your Teeth’ and there is a ‘Message from the Tooth Fairy - toothbrushing’.

Effective Toothbrushing – Young Children

Effective Toothbrushing – Older Children

Effective Toothbrushing – For those with Sensory Needs

Message from the Tooth Fairy – Toothbrushing

Video – Brushing your Teeth

Brush DJ App -

Oral Health Foundation – Caring for my teeth -

Hey Duggee Toothbrushing Song -


Slough Disability Inclusive Football

AFC Henley Football SEN Sessions

Addictive Behaviour online session on 11th July 2024

Understanding the Teenage Brain online session on 15th July 2024

HAF Club with Storyy Group Summer 2024 - for Wokingham students


What Parents and Educators Need to Know about Gambling – A 2023 report from the Gambling Commission found that 40% of 11- to 17-year-olds had some experience of gambling in the preceding 12 months. That’s a significant number of children and young people involved in an over 18s activity. Engagement and exposure to gambling can impact one's finances, mental health and wellbeing. It is crucial we are all aware of the risks and know how to protect and support our children. This free guide offers insight into the risks posed to children and young people by gambling and advises you on how to safeguard them effectively.

Hartbeeps' Sessions

On Saturday 27 July, Lucy will be hosting an adults-only event at Cox Green Scout Hut from7-9pm. All profits will go to PANDAS - a wonderful charity that supports women going through perinatal illness, including prenatal and postnatal depression.

We are trying to keep costs as low as we can, so you are welcome to bring a bottle with you if you'd like to have a little drink.

What you can expect?

  • Hartbeeps play stations whilst you mingle including a ball pit
  • A few rave numbers led by Lucy
  • Chill out time including a little meditation and lots of lights and bubbles
  • Some of your favourite props

How to book?
Use the booking link, select term/one off specials, click on 'Club HB - adults only!' and book in the normal way: Please note that although the booking system will ask for a child's name (because we can't change this on the booking system!), there will be no little ones at the event! Tickets are £10.

SEN session
Lucy will be running a small session for any children with SEN. Places are very limited to make sure little ones are not overstimulated. This will be on Wednesday 14th August, 10 -11:15am at Cox Green Scout Hut and tickets are £10. There will be sensory stations and a 25-minute Hartbeeps session. You can book here:





Dear Parents and Carers

My apologies for there not being any update last week; there will be one this Thursday. Here is last week's Excellence Everywhere video for you to enjoy.





Dear Parents and Carers

I am forwarding you details of free tickets for Norden Farm, Maidenhead:

I would like to offer your pupils an opportunity to see some very special children performing at Norden Farm Centre for the Arts, Altwood Rd, Maidenhead SL6 4PF on Saturday 20th July 2024, totally free of charge.

Chance to Dance Stars CIC is a dance school for students and families in the disabled community and every year the students get to perform their routines on stage. This year we are running two shows, one at 10.30am and the second one at 3pm. Both shows last just 1 hour each.

To learn more about us, please visit where you will find photographs of our previous shows and all the other things we get up to.

Please let us know if you would like to join us - number of tickets and which show, so we can reserve your seats.

We look forward to hearing from you asap. Please reply to or call Lynda on 077 649 50 649.





NEWS' UPDATE 14.6.24

Dear Parents and Carers

We hope you have had a good week. There is no Excellence Everywhere to share today.

Our students have been busy baking and they provided last week's Hum Jolly with some delicious lemon drizzle cake. This is part of their Laser qualification and they will be providing cake for future coffee mornings.


Senior Leavers
Senior leavers will officially leave school on Friday, 28 June 2024 unless agreed otherwise with Warren Griffiths. Invitations have been sent to leavers' parents only for the Senior Leavers' picnic. If you have received an invitation, please respond as soon as possible.


End of year reports
Please note that the report format is changing this year. If you have any questions, please contact your class teacher.


Fundraising Day - Friday, 21 June 2024 - Busy Buttons

This will be a mufti day (children can wear non-uniform) for a £1 donation and completes the end of the Learning Disability Week.


Busy Buttons is committed to helping every child use creativity and imagination to achieve their unique potential. They work across the local community in Windsor and beyond, offering creative programmes and learning experiences that promote the arts and heritage to create a positive sense of participation, contribution and wellbeing. Programmes are designed to help children to positively respond to the world around them, and the challenges they may face with ingenuity, imagination and kindness. Through a series of sessions and workshops, children from a diverse range of backgrounds, experiences and abilities come together to learn and create through the power of theatre, film, storytelling, art and culture. We have children from MGS who access this provision.



  • Upper School Prom - Upper school parents only to respond to invitation by 17.6.24.
  • Coffee, cake and chat in the school cafe, 9:30-11:00 on Thursday, 20.6.24
  • Stay & Play for First School, 9:30-11:30 including coffee and chat on Friday, 21.6.24
  • Parent Governor Vacancy - see email sent 3.6.24 or website. Nomination form to be completed by 24.6.24
  • Sunday, 30 June - Summer Fair - please do join us
  • Parents and Carers' Survey - please complete by 18 July 2024.


Parallel Windsor - 7 July 2024

Parallel Windsor is a Festival of Inclusivity with Challenge Events for all ages, health conditions & abilities. It will be held in the grounds of the majestic Windsor Great Park & staged on the iconic Long Walk. Full details of this event can be found on the website here: and also on the flyer.

Booking is now open for this event

Andrew Douglas, CEO of Parallel Lifestyle, has confirmed that he has set up MGS with a 50% discount code for their challenge events, which he hopes will enable more of our families to come and enjoy a day out at Parallel Windsor. This discount is also valid for all teachers and support staff.

The code is MGS50 and can be applied at check out to all challenge event entries.

This should now result in the following costs to come to the event:

Challenge Events: £9.75 – This also includes medal, t-shirt, goody bag and entry to the Festival

Festival only ticket: £7.50

Car Parking for the day: £7.50


Tom Fry from MGS has also created a school team that everyone can sign up to if they wish. When registering for tickets, there are options to: join team, make team or individual - the code is MGS 2024.



AfC SEND Local Area Newsletter June 2024

GEMS Bear Cubs July - September 2024

SVRBWM Coffee Morning 19.6.24

Preparing for Adulthood: Information and next steps 28.6.24





Dear Parents and Carers

Andrew Douglas, CEO of Parallel Lifestyle, has confirmed that he has set up MGS with a 50% discount code for their challenge events, which he hopes will enable more of our families to come and enjoy a day out at Parallel Windsor. This discount is also valid for all teachers and support staff.


The code is MGS50 and can be applied at check out to all challenge event entries.


This should now result in the following costs to come to the event:

Challenge Events: £9.75 – This also includes medal, t-shirt, goody bag and entry to the Festival

Festival only ticket: £7.50

Car Parking for the day: £7.50


Tom Fry from MGS has also created a school team that everyone can sign up to if they wish. When registering for tickets, there are options to: join team, make team or individual - the code is MGS 2024.





Dear Parents and Carers

We are holding our Upper School Prom on Thursday, 27 June from 6.30 to 8.30pm in the school hall. Please click here for the invitation and respond to the class teacher by the 17 June.

Many thanks





Dear Parents and Carers

Welcome back to the term 6, the final term of 2024-25. I know we say it every year, but where does the time go?

We hope you enjoy last week's and this week's Excellence Everywhere:

Issue 22 24.5.24

Issue 23 7.6.24



We have had confirmed cases of chickenpox in Browne and Donaldson classes (First School) and in the Primary Link. Spots appeared over the May holiday and so students were infectious before we broke up. Further information is available from the NHS website.




Parallel Windsor - 7 July 2024

Parallel Windsor is a Festival of Inclusivity with Challenge Events for all ages, health conditions & abilities. It will be held in the grounds of the majestic Windsor Great Park & staged on the iconic Long Walk. Full details of this event can be found on the website here: and also on the flyer.

Booking is now open for this event

Andrew Douglass, the organiser, is keen that Parallel Windsor is also supportive of financial inclusion. If the cost would be a significant barrier to a Manor Green School family being able to attend this event, please contact Sharon Carrigan, Family Adviser, so that Andrew can be informed.




Duck Derby & Family Fun Day, Ray Mill Island, Maidenhead - 16 June 2024, 12-5pm


RBWM events to support the Preparation for Adulthood agenda

1. What: Preparation for Adulthood event for parents and carers

Who: Parents / carers of young people with SEND in Year 9 and above.

What: An opportunity for parents / carers to learn more about employment routes which are available for

their children. This includes the chance to hear about a successful Supported Internship placement from

the point of view of the young person, their family and their employer. Parents will also have the opportunity

to ask questions of a panel of professionals who currently work with young people who are leaving school

and transitioning to college or a work placement.

Where: Desborough Bowling Club: SL6 1SF

When: Friday 28th June 2024, 10.30 – 13.00

Please see the Local Offer which provides more detail on what this event will cover.

To book: Parents and carers can book via Eventbrite

2. A Careers Event for young people with SEND

Who: Young people who are RBWM residents with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) from Year

8 -11 (up to Year 13 in our special schools).

What: An opportunity to find out more about what support is available to young people to support their

decision about “What next?”. There will be a range of colleges, apprenticeship, and Supported Internship

providers there. Other support agencies will also have stalls.

Where: Windsor racecourse, SL4 5EZ

When: Thursday 24th October 2024, 10.00 – 15.00 (30 min booked time slot).

To book: More information can be found on the Local Offer, please complete the following link to book a

time slot

3. A PfA Professional’s event.

Who: Any professionals from schools, colleges and other agencies who support young people transitioning

from school into college or the workplace.

What: This is a follow-up event to the Professionals Information and Collaboration event which took place in

March 2024.

Where: Moor Hall, SL6 9QH.

When: 7th November 2024 12 (lunch) 12.30 - 16.00.

To book: Please book via Eventbrite. The event will be free to those who attend but we do ask that a

maximum of 3 people per setting attend, please communicate with your setting/group.

If you have any queries, please do not

hesitate to contact or




Dear Parents and Carers

It's that time of year again and we would be extremely grateful if you would complete the Parents' and Carers' Survey for 2024. Your feedback is very important to us.

Parents' and Carers' Survey 2024

Many thanks



NEWS' UPDATE 23.5.24

Dear Parents and Carers

Please accept my apologies for there not being an update last week. I'm afraid the exams took over! Here is the link to last week's Excellence Everywhere. Enjoy!


We raised an amazing £976.03 at the May Fair. Thank you again to everyone who supported it.


Despite the rain, we are hoping for some sunshine next term. If you send in sunscreen for your child, please remember to complete a permission form and return it to school. These forms are available from the website.


Strep Throat
We have had a confirmed case of strep throat in Dunbar class (Usborne cluster) this week. Information can be found on the NHS website.


Free School Meal Vouchers

For your awareness, the council funded scheme whereby Free School Meal vouchers were being sent out over school holidays stopped and so none were sent out over Easter. This was communicated to parents/carers. However, the council have decided to restart the scheme for the May holiday and so vouchers have been issued (via email) to parents/carers of students that receive benefit related Free School Meals. Vouchers are £20 per student


Ofsted - The Big Listen – we want to hear your views!

The National Centre for Social Research (NatCen) is carrying out a short survey on behalf of Ofsted. We want to hear from parents/carers of children who are under 18 years old. It should only take around 10 minutes to complete. We are interested in views of Ofsted, including Ofsted’s inspection, regulation and reporting practices. We really want to hear from a wide range of parents and carers, even if you don’t have strong opinions about Ofsted, or haven’t had much experience of Ofsted.

Please click on the following link to find out more or take part in the survey:

You can look at our Taking Part webpage for more information about the research, and our Privacy Notice for what will happen to any information you give. Links to these webpages are also included in the survey.





IAS Service monthly newsletter

Open water dangers - letter for parents from the Metropolitan Police





NEWS' UPDATE 10.5.24

Dear Parents and Carers

Welcome to the end of what has been a beautiful week. How we have enjoyed the sunshine!

As we didn't manage to share last week's Excellence Everywhere with you, there are two for you to enjoy this week:


Excellence Everywhere 3.5.24

Excellence Everywhere 10.5.24


Thank you to everyone who supported our May Fair. It was a huge success and enjoyed by all. We will let you know how much was raised over the next couple of week.




Preparing for Adulthood Session

  • Preparing for Adulthood Session: takes place on Tuesday 14 May from 9.30 - 11.30 am in the Conference Room. The Adult Transitions Social Worker from the Children and Young People's Disability Service (CYPDS) will be coming along to explain the process and answer your questions. Sarah McKay, from MGS (Careers and Enterprise Lead) will also be joining us
  • Upper School Talent Show auditions - Friday, 24 May (students only)
  • End of Term - Friday, 24 May at 3.15pm
  • Manor Green Summer Fair takes place on Sunday, 30 June from 12noon to 3pm.




Baby Bank Children's Charity

Are you able to regift to local families?

The demand for our support by families has hugely increased and we are particularly struggling with donations of larger items such as buggies and cots. Families are welcome to contact us directly if they think they have items we can use and for further details of where we are located (Holyport, SL6 2YE) and our opening times. We support from newborn age up to 16 years and can help with school uniform items too.
Clothing Wish List
Equipment Wish List

For more information contact:


Crossroads Respite and Support

Please see the leaflets for Crossroads day support hub and respite services - Day Support and Caring for Slough. Please direct all enquiries to the contact details in red at the bottom of the email:

Are you looking for somewhere to meet new friends, catch up with old friends, learn a new skill and participate in fun activities?

If so, a warm welcome to our Day Support Hub. This Hub caters for people of all ages who are living in social isolation, those with care needs or those who just need a bit of extra help and support to take part in activities.

If you are able to and enjoy being in groups, join us in a safe, secure environment for lunch or a cup of tea, in[1]door & outdoor games & activities aimed at promoting independence, new hobbies and shared interests. Qualified staff and kind volunteers are always at hand to provide support and encouragement.


Wexham Parish Council Norway Drive, SLOUGH, SL2 5QP

Wednesdays & Thursdays 10am - 2pm weekly

Please contact us to find out about availability, cost or for any other information you may need.

CQC Registered to provide Regulated Activity

Crossroads Care Slough

The Corner House, 254a Farnham Road, Slough, SL1 4XE

01753 525796

Together Karting at Maidenhead





Dear Parents and Carers

This week's Excellence Everywhere has been delayed so we will share it with you next week.



Our students begin their summer exams on Friday, 10 May and we wish them all good luck! They have all been working extremely hard so, hopefully, they won't need it.


Message from Sharon Carrigan

Following on from my "Save the Date" regarding a Preparing for Adulthood session, I'm pleased to confirm that this will definitely be going ahead. Details as follows:

This session will take place on Tuesday 14 May from 9.30 - 11.30 am in the Conference Room. The Adult Transitions Social Worker from the Children and Young People's Disability Service (CYPDS) will be coming along to explain the process and answer your questions. Sarah McKay, from MGS (Careers and Enterprise Lead) will also be joining us.

I hope this will be a helpful, informative session and look forward to seeing you there.



  • Manor Green May Fair takes place TOMORROW, Friday, 3 May from 9.30-11.30am. Please do join us if you can.
  • Bank Holiday - Monday, 6 May- no school
  • Coffee, cake and chat in school - Thursday, 9 May
  • Manor Green Summer Fair takes place on Sunday, 30 June from 12noon to 3pm.




GEMS Online Coffee Morning - Sensory Needs - Friday, 10 May 2024


Decreasing Depression - Free Talk - 14, May 2024




NEWS' UPDATE 25.4.24

Dear Parents and Carers

Please click here for this week's Excellence Everywhere.


  • Manor Green May Fair takes place on Friday, 3 May from 9.30-11.30am.
  • Bank Holiday - Monday, 6 May- no school
  • Manor Green Summer Fair takes place on Sunday, 30 June from 12noon to 3pm.




GEMS Virtual Coffee Morning - Sensory Needs 10.5.24


Parent research participants needed for University of York project

Project recruitment flyer

Project information form



May 2024 Newsletter

Anxiety explained 2.5.24




NEWS' UPDATE 18.4.24

Dear Parents and Carers

We hope you had an enjoyable break and we are delighted to welcome the students back to school.

As we look forward to some warm weather, please ensure your child/children bring sun screen, hats and water bottles with them to school as necessary.



We have had a confirmed case of Impetigo in Child class (Puffin Cluster). NHS advice can be found here.


Proposed change to School Transport Policy

The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead (RBWM) and Achieving for Children (AfC) are proposing changes to the School Transport policy.

We want the policy to be fair to all residents and schools in the Borough, whilst ensuring transport assistance is still provided to our most vulnerable students.

We are considering the following changes from September 2024 and would like your views on our proposals:

  • change to the way school transport assistance is provided for young people over 16 years of age with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

To see further details of the proposal and to give us your views please complete the consultation form at Transport Policy Consultation 2024

You can also use the public-access computers available at all local libraries, where staff are happy to help you get online if needed. If you require paper copies of the consultation documents, these are also available from libraries upon request or by contacting

Responses should be received by 13 May 2024.


Alexander Devine's Big Chick Knit

Many thanks to everyone who donated Easter eggs for the Big Chick Knit. MGS donated 614 eggs and Alexander Devine raised an incredible £12,987.28. Well done everyone for such a tremendous effort!



Information about RBWM's Learning Disability Partnership Board (LDPB) can be accessed here. A group of Manor Green's young people (aged 17+ and called "Hear Our Voice") meet regularly to discuss different topics, their hopes and aspirations for the future and what they envision life as an adult may be like for them. Their insights and ideas are then fed back into the wider LDPB meetings, enabling their "voices to be heard" on things that are relevant to them.




Changed financial circumstances
If your financial circumstances have changed and you need support or advice, Sharon Carrigan, our Family Adviser may be able to help you. She can be contacted at: or on 01628 513800 extension 2008


Contact details

Please remember to advise the school if your contact details have changed:


Exam contingency day

If you have a child taking exams in summer 2024, please note that the exam contingency day is Wednesday, 26 June 2024. The afternoons of Thursday 6 June and Thursday 13 June have been designated as contingency afternoons. All students taking exams must remain available on these dates in case of emergencies and the exam boards need to invoke their contingency plans.


Medication Questionnaire for new students or any change of doctor

Please remember to complete the student medical and health questionnaire if you are new to school or if you have changed your doctor.


Nut-free school

Please remember that we are a nut-free school due to the medical needs of some of our students, so please do not send your child into school with food products that contain nuts. Thank you.


Parent Support Team
If you need help with Microsoft Teams or password resets, etc. please contact our ICT team on:


Privacy Notice
The school's privacy notice is available from the website.


School Policies

School policies are available from the website and are regularly reviewed and updated.


Transport Protocol


  • 08:50 to 09:00: School transport vehicles arrive on site.
  • 09:00: Staff collect students from school transport.
  • 09:00 to 09:10: Parents arrive on site.
  • 09:10: Staff collect students from parents.
  • 09:20 to 09:30: Link parents and Link school transport arrive on site
  • 09:30: Staff collect all Link students
  • School staff must be at the front of the school at 09:00 ready to collect the students from the vehicles.
  • Staff will only wait at the front of the school for the delayed students until 09:20. Staff should wait in the reception area to help communication with the receptionist.


  • 14:20 to 14:30: Link parents and Link school transport arrive on site
  • 14:30: Link students taken to parents and transport
  • 14:40 to 14:50: School transport vehicles arrive on site
  • 14:50: Students on school transport taken to vehicles
  • 14:50 to 15:00: Parents arrive on site
  • 15:00: Students taken to parents
  • Staff must bring all students to the front of school at 14:50 for collection.
  • Students will be brought out to vehicles by school staff in the normal way.
  • Afternoon pick up: escorts should collect the students from the school staff.

Foundation Park

A polite reminder that parents should not be parking at the entrance to Foundation Park when dropping off or picking up children. This is not a drop-off pickup point for the school and we need to respect our neighbours. Thank you for your co-operation.


Weekly emails

If you do not receive our weekly emails please let me know: They are always available from the website.


Contacting the teacher

Please note that if you need to speak to your child’s teacher, we are unable to interrupt lessons unless it is an absolute emergency. You should call between 12-1pm or after 3.15pm. Reception will do their best to contact the teacher, but if this is not possible a message will be left for the teacher to call you back


Arbor (Management Information System) App

We’re using Arbor’s free Parent Portal and Arbor App. Please click here for more information. Should you have any questions please contact


Raising awareness of attendance policy
Please be aware of our Attendance Policy and the rules/requirements around authorised/unauthorised absence.




SEND Local Area Newsletter - 6th edition


The Connection Hub


The Bucks Country Show 5/6 May 2024


10 week programme incorporating Islamic values starting 25/4/24


Shaping Berkshire Local Nature Recovery Strategy


Pathways - free professional access to family support programmes

New Pathways' overview

Your Pathway overview




NEWS' UPDATE 23.3.24

Dear Parents and Carers


We hope you have had a good week and managed to enjoy the little bit of sunshine that peeped through the cloud and rain. This week's Excellence Everywhere video can be viewed here. This will be the final news' update of the term, although next week's Excellence Everywhere video will be sent out on Thursday. We send you our best wishes for a happy Easter and a happy Eid during the holidays.



All slings used in school will need to be left at school for servicing over the Easter break.

Please ensure they are brought in and left in school by Thursday 28 March.

Please note: we will be unable to use any slings at school that have not been serviced over this Easter break.

Thank you on behalf of the Therapies team.


Brookfields' Swimming Gala

Fletcher class teacher Sam West and Swimming teacher Sara Knowles took four students to Brookfields' swimming gala on Wednesday. We were competing against The Avenue School and Brookfields.

We had a lovely morning competing in relay races, raft races, and treasure hunt races. We then enjoyed a picnic lunch and a price-giving presentation. I am very pleased to say Manor Green School came second. Well, done to our students, and a big thank you to Sam West for all her help.
Sara Knowles, Swimming Teacher


Family Cafe
Unfortunately the Family Cafe on Thursday, 23 May 2024 has had to be cancelled.


Spring/Summer Lunch Menu
The new menu takes effect from 15 April 2024. Recipes will be available from the website.


HPV immunisations
These will take place for year 8 students on Wednesday, 17 April 2024. Please remember to complete the electronic consent form sent out earlier this week.
Electronic consent form
Useful HPV information


Alexander Devine Fundraising
We still have some adorable knitted Easter chicks for sale in school for £3. Payment can be made by cash or online at: We will be taking the proceeds to Alexander Devine on Tuesday so please make any purchases by then. Thank you.

They also have a book sale and a pop-up toy shop:
Book Sale: fundraising volunteers are holding a three-day Children's book sale in the Nicholson's Centre on Thursday, Friday and Saturday 21st, 22nd and 23rd March. Good as new books, colouring books, nonfiction books and cookery books will be available. All books are priced at £1 unless priced.
Pop-up toy shop: is back and opens on Thursday 28th March and will be open every Thursday, Friday and Saturday for six weeks closing on Saturday 4th May. The usual assortment of new and nearly new toys will be for sale and larger items such as tricycles and dolls' houses. The shop will be in the Nicholsons centre opposite One Below.


Video message for parents from Jack Black

Did you know that turning on the subtitles on your TV at home is the easiest way to get your child reading? Doing this can double the chance of your child becoming a good reader. Yes, it's really that simple. Please visit Resources for families — ( to see Hollywood legend, Jack Black, explain how you can turn screen time into reading time in 10 seconds.

If you are curious, here is the academic research behind this.



  • School resumes on Monday, 15 April 2024
  • Coffee, cake and Chat in the school cafe on Thursday, 18 April 2024



Kids Eat Free during the Easter holidays

A Parent's Guide to Cyberbulling


Loud Speaker Easter Weekender - free programme with limited spaces

We are proud to announce Kingswood have once again teamed up with the NCS (National Citizen Service) to offer FREE residential trips for 2,000 young people across six of our centres.

The Loud Speaker Easter Weekender is an inspiring 5-day experience designed to support young people - boosting confidence, resilience and life skills as they step into adulthood.

Think outdoor activities, game-changing workshops and big evening activities such as Loud Speaker bingo and karaoke. Your students will have the chance to step out of their comfort zones, network with new people, learn employability and enterprise skills, and just have a great time doing it!

Over the past 4 years, Loud Speaker have delivered life-changing skills-focused workshops to over 150,000 young people. This Easter (Fri 29th March - Tues 2nd April) they are offering 2,000 FREE places on inspiring residential programmes across six Kingswood locations. Each site will have 300 to 400 young people from local areas, and be staffed by experienced and professional leaders who specialise in the development of young people.

We want to make this experience available to as many young people as possible, so we’re hosting the event at sites all over the UK, and local Travel Hubs in major towns and cities will provide transport to and from the Kingswood centres.

📍 DUKESHOUSE WOOD, Northumberland

📍 DEARNE VALLEY, Yorkshire

📍 COLOMENDY, North Wales


📍 WEST RUNTON, East Anglia


If you want further information, we’ve made life easy for you by creating a simple link that contains all of the videos, flyers and sign-up link: EASTER WEEKENDER: Explainer / FAQs / Sign Up


Send Voices RBWM Coffee Morning 30.4.24


Leo's Circus, Slough - free to kids on Free School Meals (only a few free places remaining)

Easter Camp Poster

Easter Camp Testimonials


FACE April Newsletter
FACE Helping kids back into school 29.4.24




NEWS' UPDATE 14.3.24

Dear Parents and Carers


Message from the Head

I’m delighted to inform you that last night the Governors unanimously voted for Manor Green to go academy and form Ascendancy Partnership Trust with Addington and Brookfields on September 1st 2024.

I know with change, sometimes there is anxiety. I want you to know that the decision wasn’t made lightly and that the benefits for both staff and students were at the forefront of everyone’s mind when the votes were cast. A school isn’t a building, it is a community and I want to reassure you that this change will be positive for everyone.

I truly believe we will be Stronger and Better Together in Ascendancy Partnership Trust.

Joolz Scarlett


Welcome to our new governor
We are delighted to welcome Colin Hayfield to the Governing Board, as our newly co-opted governor. Colin was appointed at yesterday evening's meeting and will join the team to lead on finance, risk analysis and pay. Information about our Governing Board is available from the website.


Here is the link to this week's Excellence Everywhere video.


Down Syndrome Day - Thursday, 21 March

Everyone is invited to wear odd socks in celebration of this day.


Therapy and other external agencies

In order to help us update our records, we would be extremely grateful if you could complete this form if you haven't already done so. THANK YOU



End of term: Thursday, 28 March at 13:30.


RBWM Consultation on new SEN provision

The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead is consulting local pupils, parents and community groups on proposals to add new provision for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). There are a number of options, including one to provide up to 20 additional places at Manor Green School. You can find out more about the proposals, and give your views here. The consultation will be open until midday on Friday 26th April 2024.


FUEL Easter Programme
We are very pleased to announce that the FUEL Easter programme is ready and families living in RBWM who access free school meals are able to book onto FREE activities across the borough from 2pm on the 8th March.
Please see the flyer for the QR code to the FUEL website which has further information on the booking process, activities etc.

NOTE: Due to the increase in children receiving benefit related FSMs and demand for FUEL spaces, children with an EHC plan will no longer be able to access the FUEL programme unless they are also in receipt of FSMs.




Pathways Family Support

We are delighted to launch our online support packages for autistic children/teenagers and their families.

March 2024 New Pathways Overview

March 2024 Your Pathway Overview


FACE Newsletter March 2024

Understanding the Teenage Brain - 25 March

Raising Self-Esteem - Tuesday, 26 March





Dear Parents and Carers

My apologies for there being no email last week, but exams took over. Consequently, we have two Excellence Everywhere videos for you this week, which we hope you enjoy.

Issue 13

Issue 14


Coffee and Chat - message from Sharon Carrigan

The Coffee and Chat due to take place at MGS on Thursday, 14 March is cancelled as I will be attending Christine Doyle's farewell coffee morning which is being held by the IAS service at the same time. I hope some of you will also be able to pop along to say goodbye to Chris after all her many years of exceptional service and support to families.

We have had a confirmed case of shingles in school this week. NHS guidance can be found here


You're Hired
Please contact school if you can help our students gain interview confidence.


Lunch Menu
The current autumn/winter lunch menu will continue until the end of this term.


Therapy and other external agencies

To help us update our records, please complete this form.


Reminder: RBWM Consultation on new SEN provision

The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead is consulting local pupils, parents and community groups on proposals to add new provision for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). There are a number of options, including one to provide up to 20 additional places at Manor Green School. You can find out more about the proposals, and give your views here. The consultation will be open until midday on Friday 26th April 2024.



Friday, 8 March 2024 - Alexander Devine Fundraising Day. Everyone is invited to wear yellow and please donate a small chocolate Easter Egg if you haven't already done so (please see previous email for details). Thank you.



New SEND class at The Little Gym, Windsor
My name is Annabelle, I am the Gym Director and SEND co-ordinator for The Little Gym Windsor. We are launching our first SEND Gymnastics class and we wanted to share the news with you and your students.

We want to ensure that all children have the opportunity to benefit from our programme, including children with significant additional needs that present too much of a challenge for them to be comfortable, thrive & grow in our mainstream, independent classes.

We are launching a new SEND class for children aged 4-8 years that require the support of a parent or carer by their side in class due to significant additional needs. The Parent & Child SEND class starts on Monday, 4th March and will run weekly at 3.15pm-4pm.

We have been working for several months to develop the curriculum and undergo additional training for our SEND classes. Our weekly SEND class is a safe, fun & relaxed sensory friendly session designed to give children with significant SEND challenges an important opportunity to develop their gross motor skills, coordination and body control alongside support for critical life skills including social, emotional and cognitive development.

The class will be taught by our leadership team, applying depth of knowledge in child development, sensory integration, autism awareness, gymnastics for Down Syndrome, Makaton & much more to the provision of high-quality and FUN classes for every child that needs the additional support of a dedicated SEND session.
Booking Form.


Absolutely Together Golf Day
Join us for a Charity Golf Day in support of Absolutely Together! Thursday, May 23rd, 2024 at Little Hay Golf Complex.Absolutely Together provide the school with many free opportunities for our students to access the community, such as Go-Karting and Gym. They are hosting their first ever charity golf day in Hemel Hempstead to raise money for their Absolutely Together programmes. All monies raised will go back into the programmes which provide for families with children with SEN.

Time: Shotgun start at 9:30am (Breakfast available from 8:30am, Lunch/Dinner served from 2pm)

Get ready for an exciting day of golf with:

- Teams of 4 (individual and team competitions)

- Longest Drive and Closest to Pin contests

- £240 per team (£60 per person) -

Must book as a team of 4

- Bacon/Egg Baps and Coffee/Tea before

- 2 Course Meal (Main and Dessert) afterwards

Plus, don’t miss out on our raffle and auction - tickets available on the day! Sign up now and let’s make a difference together.


Connect Workshop - Slough
Meet other parents and receive interactive support for meltdowns, special interests, anxiety, sensory issues, need of daily routine. Five week course: 23 April to 21 May. FREE.


FUEL Easter Programme
We are very pleased to announce that the FUEL Easter programme is ready and families living in RBWM who access free school meals are able to book onto FREE activities across the borough from 2pm on the 8th March.

Please see the flyer for the QR code to the FUEL website which has further information on the booking process, activities etc.

NOTE: Due to the increase in children receiving benefit related FSMs and demand for FUEL spaces, children with an EHC plan will no longer be able to access the FUEL programme unless they are also in receipt of FSMs.





Dear Parents and Carers

The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead is consulting local pupils, parents and community groups on proposals to add new provision for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). There are a number of options, including one to provide up to 20 additional places at Manor Green School. You can find out more about the proposals, and give your views here. The consultation will be open until midday on Friday 26th April 2024




Dear Parents and Carers

As previously mentioned, we are fundraising for Alexander Divine’s ‘BIG CHICK KNIT’ this week. This fundraising is different to usual, as we are not looking for cash donations. We are asking students and staff to donate a ‘chocolate egg’ instead. This will then be given to Alexander Divine who have been busy knitting ‘chicks’ to house all these wonderful chocolate eggs which will then be sold.

They would like to receive the following eggs:

  • Cadbury's Creme Egg
  • Cadbury's Oreo Egg
  • Cadbury's Caramel Egg
  • Hershey's Cookies 'N' Cream Egg

We also invite staff and students to wear something YELLOW this Friday, as part of the fundraising event.


We do hope you can support us with this worthy cause and send in an egg this week.

Further information about the fundraising event is available here.




NEWS' UPDATE 22.2.24

Dear Parents and Carers

Welcome back to school! We hope you had an enjoyable holiday.


Cinema Tickets

Absolutely Leisure have 20 pairs (1 adult 1 child under 15) of cinema tickets that need to be used before the end of March.

If you are interested, please email:,


Fundraising Day: Friday 8 March
This year we will be supporting Alexander Devine's fundraising campaign "The Big Chick Knit".

Every year knitters from across the local community make hundreds of adorable knitted chicks and bunnies, each with a chocolate egg inside, to help raise the vital funds needed for the children's hospice service this Spring. However, this year they are making it bigger and better than ever before and are hoping to get all of Berkshire involved!


We are asking children to bring in a Creme Egg or equivalent on Friday, 8 March (or any day during this week). These will then be dressed in the knitted chicks and bunnies and sold to raise funds. Please do help if you can.




World Book Day - Thursday, 7 March 2024

It's that time of year again, when you need to get your creative thinking hats on. Students can come to school dressed as a favourite author or character from a book.

World Book Day Costume Swap 2024




Respite and support services online session from The Light UK - Friday 22 March, 10-11am


SEND Voices RBWM Coffee Morning
Tuesday 27 February, 10-11:30am


Parallel Windsor - 7 July 2024

Manor Green School will hopefully be entering a team on the day and Friends of Manor Green School (PTA) will also have a presence at the event.

Andrew Douglass, the organiser, is keen that Parallel Windsor is supportive of financial inclusion. Please contact Sharon Carrigan, Family Adviser, if the cost of attending this event as a family would be a barrier.

More information is available from the website. and the flyer.


Norden Farm
Quest Family Fest 29.3.24





Dear Parents and Carers

We've reached the end of another term and we hope you all have a wonderful February holiday. Here is the link to the final Excellence Everywhere for this term.

In case anyone missed my earlier email, we are supporting Angelman Awareness Day tomorrow and everyone is invited to wear something BLUE.


Voluntary Contributions

Please read the letter from the Headteacher and return the reply slip. Thank you.


School Drive

School Drive is a registered charity providing brand new school supplies and equipment (in particular, but not limited to, school uniforms, stationery, shoes, sports kit and bags) free of charge to school children aged 4 -18 years in the borough of Windsor and Maidenhead whose families could not otherwise afford to provide through a lack of means

MGS has already appreciated support from School Drive, so if you would like to make a request for items of uniform, or discuss this further, please contact your child's class teacher or Sharon Carrigan (Family Adviser) at:; mobile 07377 800285 or via the MGS office number 01628 513800.

NB: you should make enquiries directly with the relevant local school if you have children who do not attend MGS




End of term - tomorrow, Friday, 9 February 2024 at 3.15pm

Start of term - Monday, 19 February 2024


World Book Day - Thursday, 7 March 2024

It's that time of year again, when you need to get your creative thinking hats on. Students can come to school dressed as a favourite author or character from a book.

World Book Day Costume Swap 2024


RBWM Local Offer

RBWM have updated their Local Offer which has been redesigned and was launched at the Inclusion Summit yesterday.


Slough Community Support Group


GEMS Educational Support Online Session for Parents/Carers

Thursday, 29 February, 10-11am.




4NEWS' UPDATE 2.2.24

Dear Parents and Carers


Please click here for this week's Excellence Everywhere. We hope you enjoy it.


Free School Meal Vouchers

FSM vouchers will be issued by the end of next week. Please note that this will be the last time FSM vouchers are issued for the school holidays as the Local Authority has used up all of its funding.


Notification of student absence

We would be extremely grateful if you could contact reception by 8.30am at the latest to notify us of your child's absence. This helps staff manage classes and staffing more efficiently. Thank you.


Guest Speaker Session - Thursday, 8 February 2024

Shameem Hejazi, Supporting Families Employment Adviser will be in school between 9.30-11.00am and will be happy to answer your questions; including any regarding entitlement benefits. Refreshments will be available and we would be pleased to see you.


Angelman Syndrome

Next Friday, 15 February, we are inviting everyone to wear blue to school in support of Angelman Syndrome. This is not a fundraising day. Information about Angelman Syndrome can be found on the NHS website.




End of term - Friday, 9 February 2024 at 3.15pm


World Book Day - Thursday, 7 March 2024

It's that time of year again, when you need to get your creative thinking hats on. Students can come to school dressed as a favourite author or character from a book.


Berkshire Music Trust School Parent Newsletter - January 2024





Dear Parents and Carers

Our apologies that the Excellence Everywhere video was not available at the end of last week, but we are delighted to share it with you now.

Excellence Everywhere 29.1.24



NEWS' UPDATE 18.1.24

 Dear Parents and Carers

Unfortnately, we do not have an Excellence Everywhere video for you today, but it will be sent out on Monday.


Class Fundraising

Thank you to everyone who supported us by buying Christmas cards, tea towels, bags, etc. We raised £512.09 for the school.


World Book Day - Thursday, 7 March 2024

It's that time of year again, when you need to get your creative thinking hats on. Students can come to school dressed as a favourite author or character from a book.


Information on claiming free childcare


GEMS Workshop - What my diagnosis means to me


IAS Free SEND Information Sessions


Family First Magazine




Dear Parents and Carers

Please accept our apologies for the letter sent out in error yesterday. The letter has now been updated and finalised and can be accessed here.





Dear Parents and Carers

Here is the link to the Governing Board's annual letter.

Annual letter to parents January 2024




NEWS' UPDATE 18.1.24

Dear Parents and Carers

We hope you enjoy our first Excellence Everywhere for 2024. Please click here to watch it.


Academy Consultation

For those of you who couldn't make one of the sessions, here is the presentation. If you have any questions, please send them in using this Form. There will be a virtual Q&A session at 6pm on Tuesday, 23 January. If you would like to attend, please email me and I will send you an invitation:


Roadworks on Cannon Lane

It has come to our attention that there will be roadworks on Cannon Lane close to the Foundation Park entrance from Tuesday 30 January to Thursday 1 February. Unfortunately, this may have an effect on the flow of traffic under the bridge and add to problems during drop-off and pick-up times so please be aware.


Reminder - Family Cafe Session at White Waltham Airfield on Thursday, 25 January from 9.30-11am.


Save the date - Tuesday 14 May 2024

MGS will be hosting another speaker session in the Conference Room, when the topic will be Preparing for Adulthood. Further details to follow.


GEMS parent/carer autism online support session 2.2.24


Safer Internet Day - 6.2.24

Internet Matters are supporting schools with free 'Digital Safety at a Glance' leaflets. These, and further information are available from their website. Please contact the school office if you require a hard copy.


Windsor & Maidenhead Inclusion Summit 7.2.24 - Information leaflet


'The Big Ambition' campaign - Dame Rachel De Souza, Children's Commissioner for England

I have been overwhelmed by the response the survey has received so far. More than 300,000 children, young people, parents and carers have participated, making it one of the largest surveys of its kind, but I want to give even more people the chance to have their say. This is the final push before the survey closes so please complete it, if you haven't already done so, so that the children and young people of Maidenhead are fairly represented in the results.

Children and parents or carers can complete the survey here:





Dear Parents and Carers

As you are already aware, the consultation process for our conversion to a Multi Academy Trust (MAT) officially starts next Tuesday, 16 January and invitations have been sent to you.

We are now sharing further information, prior to next Tuesday:

We hope that this information, together with the sessions on the 16 January, will answer any questions.




NEWS' UPDATE 11.1.24

Dear Parents and Carers

Welcome back to school for the first term of the new year and if we haven't already wished you a Happy New Year, we do so now.

We hope the recent flooding has not impacted on you too much and that you are all managing to keep well. A yellow cold health alert has been issued for next week. Please be reassured that school will only close in exceptional circumstances and you will be kept informed of any decisions made. Please ensure you keep a regular eye on the website if the weather looks unsettled (Latest news and information) and ensure your child comes to school appropriately dressed with a coat, hat scarf and gloves.

Please also note this back-to-school advice from the UKHSA:

As levels of winter illnesses including flu, coronavirus (COVID-19) and norovirus continue to rise, the UKHSA is reminding parents of simple steps they can take to reduce viruses spreading in the community, helping their children make a healthy start to the year and minimising the impact of illness on attendance as schools return. You can read the press release here alongside the NHS guidance ‘Is my child to ill for school?’.


APT Parental Consultation Meeting 16.1.2024

There are two possible sessions for you to attend to find out more about the proposal for Manor Green to become an Academy and form a new Multi Academy Trust with Addington and Brookfields' schools. Please complete this form if you have not already done so.


Key Diary Dates - updated to version 11


Have your say regarding proposed changes to Frimley Children and Young People Integrated Therapies

Frimley Integrated Care Board and East Berkshire local authorities (Bracknell Forest Council, Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead & Slough Borough Council) are jointly developing a new specification and re-design the model of delivery under a single contract for Integrated Therapies; Speech and language therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Physiotherapy.

We have been socialising the service specification at various forums and events across the local authorities. Following up from these events, please complete this survey by 5pm on 12th of January 2024 as we are hoping to capture your views to further influence this joint development. TAKE SURVEY


Young Minds - fighting for young people's mental health.


Sensory Help Package - access the Sensory Help Now service for £29 for 90-day access.


Bracknell Parent Carer Forum - January 2024 Newsletter / Introducing "Connections"


Cycle Safety - important information

Letter from Thames Valley Police

Escooter information




Changed financial circumstances
If your financial circumstances have changed and you need support or advice, Sharon Carrigan, our Family Adviser may be able to help you. She can be contacted at: or on 01628 513800 extension 2008

Contact details

Please remember to advise the school if your contact details have changed:


Exam contingency day

If you have a child taking exams in summer 2024, please note that the exam contingency day is Wednesday, 26 June 2024. The afternoons of Thursday 6 June and Thursday 13 June have been designated as contingency afternoons. All students taking exams must remain available on these dates in case of emergencies and the exam boards need to invoke their contingency plans.


Medication Questionnaire for new students or any change of doctor

Please remember to complete the student medical and health questionnaire if you are new to school or if you have changed your doctor.

Nut-free school

Please remember that we are a nut-free school due to the medical needs of some of our students, so please do not send your child into school with food products that contain nuts. Thank you.

Parent Support Team
If you need help with Microsoft Teams or password resets, etc. please contact our ICT team on:

Privacy Notice
The school's privacy notice is available from the website.

School Policies

School policies are available from the website and are regularly reviewed and updated.


Transport Protocol


  • 08:50 to 09:00: School transport vehicles arrive on site.
  • 09:00: Staff collect students from school transport.
  • 09:00 to 09:10: Parents arrive on site.
  • 09:10: Staff collect students from parents.
  • 09:20 to 09:30: Link parents and Link school transport arrive on site
  • 09:30: Staff collect all Link students
  • School staff must be at the front of the school at 09:00 ready to collect the students from the vehicles.
  • Staff will only wait at the front of the school for the delayed students until 09:20. Staff should wait in the reception area to help communication with the receptionist.


  • 14:20 to 14:30: Link parents and Link school transport arrive on site
  • 14:30: Link students taken to parents and transport
  • 14:40 to 14:50: School transport vehicles arrive on site
  • 14:50: Students on school transport taken to vehicles
  • 14:50 to 15:00: Parents arrive on site
  • 15:00: Students taken to parents
  • Staff must bring all students to the front of school at 14:50 for collection.
  • Students will be brought out to vehicles by school staff in the normal way.
  • Afternoon pick up: escorts should collect the students from the school staff.

Foundation Park

A polite reminder that parents should not be parking at the entrance to Foundation Park when dropping off or picking up children. This is not a drop-off pickup point for the school and we need to respect our neighbours. Thank you for your co-operation.

Weekly emails

If you do not receive our weekly emails please let me know: They are always available from the website.

Contacting the teacher

Please note that if you need to speak to your child’s teacher, we are unable to interrupt lessons unless it is an absolute emergency. You should call between 12-1pm or after 3.15pm. Reception will do their best to contact the teacher, but if this is not possible a message will be left for the teacher to call you back

Arbor (Management Information System) App

We’re using Arbor’s free Parent Portal and Arbor App. Please click here for more information. Should you have any questions please contact

Raising awareness of attendance policy

Please be aware of our Attendance Policy and the rules/requirements around authorised/unauthorised absence.





Dear Parents and Carers

We are delighted to inform you that we have received the go ahead to form a Multi Academy Trust with two other Special Schools in Berkshire.

Addington, Brookfields and Manor Green schools have already been working in close partnership to the benefit of all our students and now feel the time is right to formalise this partnership in order to make us ‘Stronger and Better Together’.


We have been working with the Department of Education to plan the joining of the three schools into the Ascendancy Partnership Trust. Our name signifies our commitment to all children and young People with SEND in our local areas to improve their long term outcomes. In order for us to form this Trust, all the schools involved need to convert to academies and we are aiming to complete this process by the 1st September 2024.

We now need to begin the formal consultation process with all our stakeholders in order to become an academy. It is very important to us to keep you informed at every stage, answer any questions you may have and to explain why we believe this to be in the best interests of our students, staff and local community.


Our consultation launch date for parents is Tuesday 16th January. We will be holding two sessions: 2pm and 5pm, in order to ensure as many parents as possible are able to attend. We will also provide an information video and FAQ sheet for those unable to attend either session in person. Please complete this questionnaire regarding attendance to assist with arrangements:

APT Parental Consultation Meeting 16.1.24


Any questions you may have in relation to the proposed MAT should be answered at our information evening, but there will also be an FAQ sheet available and the opportunity to ask questions as the consultation process progresses. We, therefore, politely ask that you keep questions until after the information evening.


We very much look forward to seeing you on the 16th January.


Joolz Scarlett & Richard Pelley

Headteacher / Chair of Governors






Dear Parents and Carers

Here is our final Countdown to Christmas. We hope you enjoy it!

Countdown to Christmas - 10 sleeps to go





NEWS' UPDATE 14.12.23

Dear Parents and Carers

Yet again we reach the end of another term! Time certainly does fly by. It has been a busy and productive term and everyone deserves a wonderful festive season.

Here is today's Countdown to Christmas.

Countdown to Christmas - 11 sleeps to go


Christmas Card Winners

Congratulations to the following students who were chosen as their cluster's Christmas card winner this year. They all received a W.H Smith's voucher.

  • Amelia Woolford - Ladybird
  • Riley Russell - Puffin
  • Demi Sessions - Penguin
  • Rishith Viswaroop - Usborne
  • Cody Brown - Orchard
  • Ross Little - Phoenix
  • Ethan Dennehy- Oxford
  • Mary-Kate McFadden - The Hive


Coffee and Chat

The first Coffee and Chat of 2024 will be taking place on Thursday, 11 January in MGS' Taste Cafe. Please join us any time between 9.30 and 11am. Sarah Vickers will be visiting with information about "Family Action Young Carers", a charity working in RBWM committed to identifying and supporting Young Carers. (A young carer is a young person who takes on a caring role for a member of the family at home who has a physical or mental health illness or disability or an addiction).


Thank you from Fletcher Class

We raised an amazing £844.50 for Hungary Hearts Dog Rescue, Alzheimer's Society and the GOSH charity at our recent fundraising event so a big thank you to everyone who supported us.



This week we have had confirmed cases of Strep A in Seuss (Phoenix cluster) and Browne (Ladybird cluster) and Hand, Foot and Mouth in Dunbar (Usborne cluster). Further information can be found at the following links:


Key Diary Dates - updated to version 10



  • School finishes at 1.30pm tomorrow, Friday, 15 December. Parents/transport can arrive from 1pm.
  • School begins on Thursday, 4 January 2024 at the usual time
  • Year 9 vaccinations - 5.1.24: Please remember to complete the consent form even if you don't want your child vaccinated (return as non-consent).



Maidenhead's Big Read - November/December issue


Christmas online safety

With the Christmas festivities just around the corner, children are looking forward to receiving gifts. For many, this may be devices that allow you to go online. Even with the best intentions, many parents have a false sense of how to keep their child secure, or think their child is more secure than they actually are. With this in mind, this information sheet might prove useful. f you wish to explore future training opportunities on keeping children safe online, please Click Here to watch a short video on what is Safety Net and dates.


With our sincere best wishes to you all for the festive season and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!





Dear Parents and Carers

Here is today's very jolly Countdown to Christmas.

Countdown to Christmas - 12 sleeps to go




Dear Parents and Carers

Here is today's Countdown to Christmas.

Countdown to Christmas - 13 sleeps to go




Dear Parents and Carers

Here is today's Countdown to Christmas.

Countdown to Christmas - 14 sleeps to go.





Dear Parents and Carers

Here is today's Countdown to Christmas

Countdown to Christmas --17 sleeps to go




NEWS' UPDATE 7.12.23

Dear Parents and Carers

We hope you have been enjoying the Countdown to Christmas videos as much as we have. A huge THANK YOU to Mrs Brown and Jack for all the time and effort they put into producing the school videos.


Countdown to Christmas - 18 sleeps to go.


School Christmas Lunch

We had a wonderful Christmas lunch today and a huge thank you goes to Mrs Preston and her catering team for an excellent meal. Thanks also to all the staff helpers who served lunch to all of the class teams (students and staff).


Christmas orders

I have received some late orders for Christmas items and these will be sent home with the students on Monday.


School Christmas Fayre

This takes place tomorrow from 09:30-11:30.


Message from Milligan class:

For Manor Green's Christmas Fayre, Friday 8th December, Milligan class are hosting a silent auction as part of our booth. We have a great variety of items to choose from, including jewellery, savoury treats, and vouchers for meals. We understand many of you will not be able to attend the Fayre for various reasons, therefore if you wish to still participate in the auction, please see the list of items below which we will be auctioning off. If you are interested in putting a bid down on any of these items, please contact your class team, please leave:

Your name and number/best way to contact you

The item you wish to bid on

The amount you wish to bid.


Auction items:

  • Pizza Gift Card - 3 course children's meal and drink + classic dough balls
  • Knead Neapolitan Pizza voucher - Family Feast ( 4 x drinks / 1 sharing board / 4 x pizzas)
  • SEIKO Presage Watch
  • Hamper
  • Necklace
  • Bottles: Shiraz / Lemon Drizzle Gin / La Chateau
  • Bottles: Merlot / Rhubarb and Ginger Gin / Brut sparkling wine
  • Fairy Dust creation garland
  • ABILITYD 45 minute personal training session with Damian Ng
  • Voucher
  • Hartbeeps Gift Voucher (value £15)

Best of luck in your bidding.


Nappies and Wipes

A gentle reminder that if your child needs nappies or wipes at school, you need to provide them. Please sent them into class named.


Transport 15.12.23

School finishes at 1.30pm on Friday, 15 December. Parents/transport can arrive from 1pm.



  • 14.12.23 - Christmas disco - another opportunity for everyone to wear their Christmas jumpers
  • Year 9 vaccinations - 5.1.24 Emails have been sent home this week. Please remember to complete the consent form even if you don't want your child vaccinated (return as non-consent).



Christmas sensory survival kit


Year 9 TDIPV/ACWY vaccinations' information

Tetanus, Diptheria, Polio Q&A for young people

Meningitus and Septicaemia leaflet for young people

UKHSA Teenage 3-in-1 booster guide





Dear Parents and Carers

Here is today's Countdown to Christmas.

Countdown to Christmas - 19 sleeps to go




Dear Parents and Carers

Here is today's Countdown to Christmas.

Countdown to Christmas - 20 sleeps to go




Dear Parents and Carers

We hope you enjoy the first of our Countdown to Christmas videos. We will be sending one each day until the end of term.

Countdown to Christmas - 21 sleeps to go




Dear Parents and Carers

My sincere apologies but I don't work on Fridays and didn't realise that the first Countdown video was shared in school on Friday so I am sending the link now. I promise that the rest will all be sent in the correct order!

Countdown to Christmas - 24 sleeps to go




NEWS' UPDATE 30.11.23

Dear Parents and Carers

Due to the various Christmas activities taking place in school, there is no Excellence Everywhere this week.


  • 5.12.23 / 6.12.23 - First School Christmas Production, 10:00-11:00
  • 7.12.23 School Christmas lunch - this is also Christmas jumper/Christmas dressing up day
  • 8.12.23 - School Christmas Fayre, 09:30-11:30
  • 14.12.23 - Christmas disco - another opportunity for everyone to wear their Christmas jumpers
  • 15.12.23 - term ends at 1.30pm

Year 9 vaccinations - 5.1.24

Emails have been sent home this week. Please remember to complete the consent form even if you don't want your child vaccinated (return as non-consent).


Updated Key Diary Dates - version 9


Project Linus UK

Project Linus is a Community Interest Company donating quilts made by volunteers across the UK, to help bring comfort, security and a little bit of joy to children and young people who are sick, have a disability, are disadvantaged or distressed.

MGS is now linked with the Berkshire Co-ordinator from Project Linus UK who is hoping, over time, to be able to donate a quilt ("a quilt is a hug you can keep") to enable every student in the school to own one. This process will start properly at the beginning of 2024.

However, this note is to make parents/carers aware that Manor Green has already gratefully received a first donation of 20 quilts, which we hope will soon be on the way home with their new owners.

All quilts are brand new, homemade, fully washable and have a Project Linus label attached. They have no embellishments such as buttons, beads, ribbons or ties which could come off and be a choking hazard or finger trap.



IAS December Newsletter




NEWS' UPDATE 23.11.23

Dear Parents and Carers

We hope you have had a good week. This week's Excellence Everywhere can be viewed here.


Final reminder: School Christmas Lunch 7.12.23

This is a final reminder so if you haven't yet completed the form for Christmas lunch, please do so as soon as possible. Today is the deadline.

Please remember that this is a Christmas jumper/Christmas dressing up day. Thank you.

Form: School Christmas lunch - students


School Christmas Shop closed tomorrow

If you want/need to purchase any additional items from the Christmas shop (cards, wrapping paper, tea towels, mugs, etc.) it closes tomorrow 24/11/23. Please use the login details previously provided to access your child's template and complete any orders on line.

Children in Need

Thank you to everyone who donated to Children in Need. We raised £91.89.

Family Cafe

A reminder that the next Family Cafe takes place on Tuesday, 28 November from 9.30-11:00 at White Waltham Airfield. See flyer for more information.


If you have a child aged five or under please remember to check their vaccination status as the measles' vaccine rates have fallen to a 10-year low.


Other Reminders

  • 24 November 2023 - Upper School Awards' Celebration, 10:00-11:00 - only open to specific parents
  • 5 and 6 December 2023 - First School Christmas Production, 10:00-11:00
  • 8 December 2023 - School Christmas Fayre, 09:30-11:30




NEWS' UPDATE 16.11.23

Dear Parents and Carers

Possible class closures

Please accept my sincere apologies for any anxiety caused due to the email regarding possible school closures which did not deliver. Unfortunately, there was a problem with Arbor (our management information system) and emails sent on Wednesday afternoon weren't sent. This email finally delivered (twice) in the early hours of this morning. Please be assured that if your child's class is to be closed, you will be advised in advance and your class teacher/HLTA will make contact with you. You do not need to contact reception.


Excellence Everywhere

This week's video is available here.


Children in Need Fundraising Day 17.11.23

We are fundraising for Children in Need tomorrow and it is a non-uniform or Pudsey Bear related clothing day for a £1 donation. Some classes will participate in the ‘bearpee’ challenge throughout the day – how many burpees can they do as a class? We will be collecting any cash donations at reception. Pudsey Bear isn't able to visit tomorrow, but he will be in school on Monday.


Cake Sale - Fletcher Class 22.11.23

Fletcher class are raising money for Hungary Hearts Dog Rescue, Alzheimers Society and GOSH Charity for their topic this term - "Doing Good". They will be holding a cake sale in school on Wednesday, 22 November and would be grateful if students could bring money into school on this day to buy cakes and cookies. In addition, they are hosting an art competition at 50p per entry. Please see attached poster for further information.


Upper School Awards' Celebration 24.11.23
We are holding our Upper School Awards' Celebration next Friday, 24 November and all parents with a child receiving certificates have been invited. If you are a parent who is planning on attending the celebration, please ensure you have completed the reply form that was included in your email. Thank you.


School Christmas Lunch 7.12.23

If you haven't yet completed the form for Christmas lunch, please do so as soon as possible and by the 23/11/23 at the latest. Please remember that this is a Christmas jumper/Christmas dressing up day. Thank you.

Form: School Christmas lunch - students


School Governor: goodbye and welcome

Helen McHale, our Local Authority nominated governor, has resigned. We wish her well and thank her for her commitment to the school over the past three years. We are delighted to welcome Amy Crowle, who has taken over the post. We welcome her to MGS and look forward to working with her.


School Christmas Shop

If you want/need to purchase any additional items from the Christmas shop (cards, wrapping paper, tea towels, mugs, etc.) it will re-open tomorrow until the 24/11/23. Please use the login details previously provided to access your child's template and complete any orders on line.


Swimarathon 2024

Next year's Swimarathon takes place on Sunday, 14 January and MGS is hoping to get a team together to raise funds for worthy causes. Students from Middle and Upper School who can swim 25m independently or with a noodle can participate and these parents should have received information from their class teacher. If you would like to sponsor our team, you can do so at this link: Swimarathon 2024




Parent Guide to Online Safety - Think before you send.


Children's Commissioner for England - National Campaign "The Big Ambition"


Message from Dame Rachel De Souza, Children's Commissioner for England (this information has also been shared with teachers)

I want to ensure that the voices of all children in the Maidenhead area are fairly represented in the findings so that I can share their views with the most senior members of the country.

I must reiterate that it is vital that all children have their voice heard through this survey because, as Children’s Commissioner for England, I have a statutory duty to protect and promote the views and interests of children. The Big Ambition provides a much-needed opportunity for the children of England to tell political decision makers what is important to them ahead of the General Election. I will be sharing their responses with Government to ensure that children’s voices are heard.

Children or parents can complete the survey here: Further resources are available on our website.

It is really important that the pupils at Manor Green School have participated in The Big Ambition survey and had their say. The survey can also be done as homework and parents can assist children who cannot complete the survey themselves (children under 5 and children with Special Educational Needs). This is a great opportunity to teach children about politics and why it is important for them to use their voice.






Dear Parents and Carers

We mentioned earlier in the year that there might be times when we have to consider closing classes on a rotational basis due to staff illness which affects safety levels in school.


Unfortunately, we are again experiencing high levels of staff absence due to illness and have, this week, had to make the decision to close classes (56 staffing gaps today). If this staffing situation continues, we will have no choice but to close further classes on a rotational basis (the preferred recommendation from the parental survey). Parents will be notified in advance if their child's class is to be closed.


Hopefully, this will not be the case, but we need you to be aware of the possibility that your child's class might be closed.




 Dear Parents and Carers

We will be holding our school Christmas lunch on Thursday, 7 December 2023. Please complete the form below for catering purposes by the 23 November.

School Christmas Lunch



NEWS' UPDATE 9.11.23

Dear Parents and Carers

This week's Excellence Everywhere video can be viewed here.


Climate Change Poster Competition

Congratulations to the winners of the competition which the Headteacher judged last week. The winners will receive a prize in due course. They are:

1st - Brandon - Milligan

2nd - Alethea - Dahl

3rd - Embla - Milligan

4th - William - Ahlberg

Well done and thank you to everyone who took part.


Upper School Awards' Celebration

This celebration takes place on Friday, 24 November 2023 at 10am. Upper school students will be presented with certificates achieved last academic year. Only parents of those students receiving certificates are invited and personal invitations have been sent.


Hand, Foot and Mouth

We have had a confirmed case of hand, foot and mouth in Freedman class (Primary Link) this week. Further information is available on the NHS website.




Christmas Lunch Day: Thursday 7 December 2023

Staff and students are invited to wear their Christmas jumpers or Christmas fancy dress on this day. Further information and a booking form will be emailed on Monday.


Christmas Holiday Programme for children with access to Free School Meals (FUEL)

The FUEL Christmas programme is ready and families living in RBWM who access free school meals are able to book onto FREE activities across the borough. Further information can be found here.


Wizzybug powered wheelchairs available

We have lots of Wizzybug wheelchairs in our workshop waiting for a new child owner! We know that there are an estimated 30,000 children in the UK who could benefit from one. We just need to reach them. Wizzybugs offer young, disabled children under 5 with the opportunity to move themselves around independently, often for the first time in their lives. Children can play, explore and interact in a way that they never could do before in the coolest looking powered wheelchair there is. We provide them for FREE to ensure that children can develop important mobility skills in their early years without families having the burden of another expensive piece of equipment.



NEWS' UPDATE 3.11.23

Dear Parents and Carers

Welcome back for term 2. Here is the link to this week's Excellence Everywhere. A reminder, that the weekly Makaton sign is shown at the end of the video.

Congratulations to our newly appointed Student Leaders, Prefects, House and Deputy House Captains and School Councillors.

Student Leaders and Prefects

House and Deputy House Captains

School Councillors


Children in Need Day: Friday, 17 November 2023

We will be supporting this charity day with a ‘non uniform’ day. Classes will be encouraged to wear non uniform, or Pudsey bear related clothing. Some classes will participate in the ‘bearpee’ challenge throughout the day – how many burpees can they do as a class We will be collecting any cash donations at reception. We will try to get Pudsey bear into school if we can. If so, there may be some Pudsey merchandise available to buy.


Christmas cards

Thank you to those who have placed Christmas orders. Please remember that the shop will open again from the 17th - 24th November if you have missed the deadline or want to order additional items.


NHS Frimley Integrated Care Board (ICB)

On 12 October, James Breeze, the Learning Disability and Autism Transformation Manager from the new NHS Frimley Integrated Care Board (ICB) came to MGS to explain more about the ICB, how it works and answer any questions. He provided information sheets about the GP Learning Disability Register: all people with a learning disability (even if it is mild) can be added to this register by their GP practice. Everyone over the age of 14 on the LDR is entitled to a free annual health check at their GP surgery, which will help to monitor a young person's health and could help signpost to other specialist services. Please click on the links for more information or contact Sharon Carrigan if you require further details.

Parent Letter
Information Leaflet
Consent Form


Key Diary Dates - updated to version 7



IAS Windsor & Maidenhead - events and coffee mornings


Bracknell Parent Carer Forum SEND Services Survey Autumn 2023

This is a message from Bracknell Parent Carer Forum, a group of parent carers who take your views of Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) services in Bracknell Forest (Health, Education and Social Care) to the service providers.

Could you please complete our SEND Services Survey Autumn 2023? (

We would like to know from your viewpoint if improvements made to Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) services in Bracknell Forest (Health, Education and Social Care) are starting to have an impact on our children/young people. We want to monitor how these services are performing against previous surveys of parents/carers in Autumn 2022 and Spring 2023. We use feedback as evidence to push for change.

Thank you so much for your time,

Victoria Stageman


Facebook: Bracknell Parent Carer Forum

Subscribe to our fortnightly newsletter


Parallel Windsor 2023

Takes place on Sunday 7tJuly in the Windsor Great Park and registrations are now open today for early birds. The link is HERE.

Parallel Windsor 2023 Impact Report

Highlights Film



NEWS' UPDATE 19.10.23

Dear Parents and Carers

As always, the time has flown by and we find ourselves at the end of term. We hope it has been a good one for you and yours.

Here is the link to the final Excellence Everywhere for term 1.


Free School Meal Vouchers

The FSM vouchers for the October holiday will be sent out via email by the end of tomorrow. The vouchers will be £20 per student.


First Class Photographs

Our First Class photos (Andreae and Oxenbury classes) are included in the Maidenhead Advertiser supplement out today. View on line here.


Autumn/Winter Lunch Menu

The new menu and recipes take effect on our return and will be available from the website.



There is optional dressing-up for Halloween on Tuesday, 31st October. Some classes may choose to dress up and others may not so please speak to your class teacher.



We have a confirmed case of Chickenpox in Ho-Yen class (Orchard Cluster) and Shingles in Andersen class (Oxford Cluster). Information can be found on the NHS website: Chickenpox / Shingles.


Children in Need Day: Friday, 17 November 2023

This will be a non-uniform day and some classes may decide to carry out some fundraising. Further information to follow.


Nurture and NNSP

Manor Green School were accredited by NurtureUK for the National Nurturing School Award in 2018. This year we are reapplying to maintain our status of being a Nurturing School, a prestigious award given to schools that show exemplary Nurture provision to all.

We draw your attention to two guides which you might find useful and informative:

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact Amelia Anderson ( or Josie Glover ( Heads of Nurture.


Key Diary Dates - updated to version 6


Berkshire Association of Secondary Headteachers (BASH)

Please click here to read the joint letter from BASH for the attention of parents.




Household Support Fund

The Department for Work and Pensions fund aims to help households in need to deal with the rising cost of living. If you're facing financial difficulties and are at risk of problems escalating, you may be able to receive a £145 cash payment.

If you’re not already in contact with one of our delivery partners, please contact Citizens Advice East Berkshire (CAEB) for help with applying for the scheme. Email CAEB as this is the best and quickest way to request support.

CAEB also have a drop-in service at its office at 4 Marlow Road, Maidenhead, SL6 7YR on Mondays and Wednesdays between 10am and midday. For more information about the Household Support Fund, visit our website.

For further support around the cost of living, please visit our Here to Help webpage. You can also call 01628 683800,or visit your library for more information and support.

Please be aware that the Household Support Fund is a discretionary scheme, allocated on a case-by-case basis, to mitigate serious financial hardship and prevent crises. Our partners have responsibility for identifying households to the scheme and will provide residents with a unique reference number, which is needed to make an application. Residents are not able to apply to the council directly.


How can IAS help you?


We wish you a happy and restful October holiday.






 Dear Parents and Carers

Your child's Christmas project order form was sent home with them today. The shop will close on Tuesday, 31st October, although there is an opportunity for us to open it again between the 17th-24th November. Please hold on to your order form until ordered items have been received in case you are unhappy with the goods or have any queries.

To make an order, please follow these instructions:

  • Go to, enter the codes supplied on your card and then confirm your child's name and class (these are printed on the products)
  • Approve the artwork or give feedback if there is any problem
  • Once the artwork is unlocked, you will be given a link to the online shop to place an order
  • All orders must be paid for online as you order, preferably by the 31st October
  • All orders will be delivered to school and we will then send them home with your child



NEWS' UPDATE 12.10.23

Dear Parents and Carers

Please click here to watch this week's Excellence Everywhere video.


Flu Guidance

The UKHSA have updated their flu programme guidance for the 2023/2024 season. All two- and three-year olds are eligible for a free flu vaccine via a nasal spray. Getting the vaccination is not mandatory; however, the UKHSA has stressed that parents should be encouraged to get their children vaccinated, due to this age range being at higher risk of becoming seriously ill from flu and to stop the spread of illness in early years settings.


Transition past and present

Do you live in the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead? Have you left education recently? At Achieving for Children, we deliver social care, education and health services to young people across RBWM, and we want to involve you as we review our Preparing for Adulthood (PfA) transition process.

As you might already know, the PfA transition describes the time when a young person moves into adult life, this might be volunteering, work or university. If you can relate to this, we want to hear from you on:

· Were you offered any support?

· How easy was it to access the support?

· Where did the majority of the support come from?

· Did it feel relevant and helpful?

· What went well?

· What can we do better?

To share your views, please contact Jo Dixon, PfA Transition Project Manager on: or call/text 07849304655


Can you help us stop autistic children being invisible in important UK data?

The Autism Centre of Excellence at Cambridge is inviting the parents and carers of autistic children to help us stop autistic people being invisible in official UK data by completing a survey about their children’s health and wellbeing. Currently, many of the UK’s official surveys do not ask if respondents are autistic, so decision-makers don’t have information about the unique needs and experiences of autistic children. Our survey will provide that missing data, so that the UK government and other service providers can use it to deliver better services and support for autistic people.

If you are the parent or carer of an autistic child aged under 16, you can take the survey together by following this link: The survey is fully anonymous and should take 10-20 minutes of your time. If you have any problems with or questions about the survey, please contact us at You can find out more about the survey on our website.

There are also surveys available for autistic people aged 16 or over and for the carers of autistic adults. You can help us in our mission to stop autistic people’s wellbeing being invisible in UK data by sharing the link ( with any other autistic people and parents/carers of autistic people whom you know.




NEWS' UPDATE 9.10.23

Dear Parents and Carers

I hope last week went well and my apologies for not getting the news' update out last week. Please click here to access the Excellence Everywhere video.



We have had a confirmed case of Scabies in Dahl class (Phoenix Cluster). Further information can be found at:


Please be aware that sickness and diarrhoea is a symptom of the current Covid 19 strain.


Alexander Devine

Thank you for your support with our fundraising day for Alexander Devine on the 23 June. We raised £176.42. Click here for their personal thank you.


Reminder: Speaker Session

The first speaker session for this academic year will take place on Thursday, 12 October in the Conference Room from 9.30am for a 10am start and finish at 11.30am. Refreshments will be provided.

James Breeze, the Learning Disability and Autism Transformation Manager from the new NHS Frimley Integrated Care Board (ICB), will be visiting MGS to explain more about the ICB, how it works and answer any questions. This will be relevant for all age groups.


Whole School Photographs

Whole School photographs take place on Wednesday, 11 October. Please note that the photographer is not able to provide an alternative mop-up session.


Coffee, Cake and Chat

The next CCC session takes place on Thursday, 19 October from 9.30-11.00am in the Taste Cafe at school. We look forward to seeing you.


Key Diary Dates updated (version 5)


This term ends on Friday. 20 October at 3.15pm.




Dear Parents and Carers

We are delighted to share our first Excellence Everywhere video for 2023-24 with you this week. It can be found here. We hope you enjoy it.


Your updates for this week:

New site for the Secondary Link and College Link

Letter from the Headteacher


Dyslexia Awareness Week

Next week is Dyslexia Awareness Week and the theme is "Uniquely You". Students and staff are invited to wear what they wish on the Thursday (5 October) to embrace individuality.


Speaker Session

The first speaker session for this academic year will take place on Thursday, 12 October in the Conference Room from 9.30am for a 10am start and finish at 11.30am. Refreshments will be provided.

James Breeze, the Learning Disability and Autism Transformation Manager from the new NHS Frimley Integrated Care Board (ICB), will be visiting MGS to explain more about the ICB, how it works and answer any questions. This will be relevant for all age groups.


Key Diary Dates updated (version 4)





Dear Parents and Carers

Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) Update

The school is still working on our plans to form our own MAT with three other special schools and a local authority run provision like The Link in Berkshire. A great deal of work was undertaken over the summer holiday to prepare for this shift and we hope it will be approved as a way forward for us by the Department for Education (DfE) very soon. If approved, we would start the formal consultation in line with DfE requirements and we would aim to complete the full process by the end of the academic year.

The proposed change will allow for sharing of resources and expertise that will benefit our whole school community. Please rest assured that your child’s placement at Manor Green will not be affected by this shift. While not yet at the formal consultation stage, we would still welcome any thoughts from parents should you wish to share them.

Joolz Scarlett, Headteacher


Here are the updates for this week.


First Class Photographs

The Maidenhead Advertiser recently took photographs of our students in Andreae and Oxenbury classes. These will be published in the paper on Friday, 20 October and can be viewed here.


River time experience with the Princess Royal

Some of our students took part in an educational experience on the Thames at Henley recently. They were joined by the Princess Royal and a great time was had by all. Here are the links to the press releases and ITV Meridian News:

Catch up: ITV News Meridian (Thames Valley) | ITV News Meridian - the footage starts 18 minutes into the programme



Parent sessions
Sessions for this year are as follows and can be found in the Key Diary Dates:

  • Coffee, cake and chat sessions: Thursday mornings from 09:30-11:00 in the Taste Cafe at school.
  • Hum Jolly: Tuesday mornings from 09:30-11:00 in the Taste Cafe at school
  • Family Cafe sessions: - various dates from 09:30-11:00 at White Waltham Airfield. Further details will be sent prior to each event.



UCL Research Project on Language Development - Flyer




 Dear Parents and Carers

We hope the children have now settled happily back into school life and routine. Fortunately, the weather has cooled which has made life much more bearable. Our Excellence Everywhere video will resume within the next few weeks.

Student appointments / late arrival

If your child is late arriving in the morning, please note that you must bring them into reception for signing in. If your child has an appointment out of school, you must collect them from reception and sign them out.


Attendance - raising awareness

Attendance Policy

Attendance in school is key to your child's progress and the government requires us to have an attendance target of 95% for all children.

Many of the students who attend Manor Green have medical conditions which may mean they have a lot of medical appointments or they aren't well enough to attend at times; this kind of absence is always authorised. Please let us know when your child is not well enough for school by ringing the school office.

We are not able to grant term time holiday unless there are exceptional circumstances. We know that many of our families do have circumstances that may require them to take their child out of school during term time. If you believe this may apply to you at any point, please make your request explaining the reasoning and it will be carefully considered in line with government guidelines for schools.

Requests for absence for religious observance is authorised for up to 5 days per year.

All requests for time away from school, for whatever purpose, must be made on the Leave of Absence form which can be found here.



The new look website is up and running and we continue to update it. Please bear with us whilst we navigate the new site and sort out any technical glitches. Thank you.


Key Diary Dates

These have been updated to version 2 and are available from the website.


Save the date

On Thursday 12 October 2023, James Breeze, the Learning Disability and Autism Transformation Manager from the new NHS Frimley Integrated Care Board (ICB), will be visiting MGS for a coffee morning to explain more about the ICB, how it works and answer any questions. This will be relevant for all age groups. Further information to follow.



NHS Berkshire Healthcare - Specialist Mental Health Learning Disability Service

HPV Vaccination Programme - changes from September (already sent home)


Research opportunity

Originally shared with you back in June. The survey will now remain open until the end of term if you would like to take part.

My initial training is as a SEN teacher for children with a learning disability and complex needs. I have gone on to pursue a career in clinical psychology, with a particular interest in working with young people with a learning disability, and their families.

As part of my doctorate in clinical psychology at the University of Surrey, I am conducting research looking at the experiences of parents in accessing support for themselves and their families, and what factors (e.g. social, cultural, economic) impact how parents feel about the support that they have received.

We are looking for parents of children with a learning disability, who attend a specialist education provision, to complete a 20 minute questionnaire to explore this, in the hope that this can help inform a better support provision for parents moving forwards. (Note this is not specifically about the support that they have received from school, but from all services).

Please see information poster for more details.




 Dear Parents and Carers

Welcome back to school! Isn't it unbelievable that we wait for this summer weather all through the summer holidays and it arrives as soon as we return to school! We hope the children have enjoyed returning to school, despite the difficulties some may experience. We have certainly enjoyed seeing them again. Should the hot weather continue, please ensure they come to school with sun screen, hats and water bottles.


Lunch menu

As reported in July, our lunch menu will remain the same until the end of this term.


Key Diary Dates 2023-2024

These are available from the website and are regularly updated. All items in red are yet to be confirmed.



Our website has been updated and will be launched tomorrow. Minor updates will continue to be made by the website design company and we will be updating our information for 2023-24 so please bear with us if there are any technical hitches or out-of-date information over the next week.


Please note the following information/reminders:


Changed financial circumstances
If your financial circumstances have changed and you need support or advice, Sharon Carrigan, our Family Adviser may be able to help you. She can be contacted at: or on 01628 513800 extension 2008


Contact details

Please remember to advise the school if your contact details have changed:


Exam contingency day

If you have a child taking exams in summer 2024, please note that the exam contingency day is Wednesday, 26 June 2024. The afternoons of Thursday 6 June and Thursday 13 June have been designated as contingency afternoons. All students taking exams must remain available on these dates in case of emergencies and the exam boards need to invoke their contingency plans.


Medication Questionnaire for new students or any change of doctor

Please remember to complete the student medical and health questionnaire if you are new to school or if you have changed your doctor.


Nut-free school

Please remember that we are a nut-free school due to the medical needs of some of our students, so please do not send your child into school with food products that contain nuts. Thank you.


Parent Support Team
If you need help with Microsoft Teams or password resets, etc. please contact our ICT team on:


Privacy Notice
The school's privacy notice is available from the website.


School Policies

School policies are available from the website and are regularly reviewed and updated.



Transport Protocol

Please ensure you follow the school policy and procedure for dropping off and collecting your child.


Foundation Park

A polite reminder that parents should not be parking at the entrance to Foundation Park when dropping off or picking up children. This is not a drop-off pickup point for the school and we need to respect our neighbours. Thank you for your co-operation.


Weekly emails

If you do not receive our weekly emails please let me know: They are always available from the website.


Contacting the teacher

Please note that if you need to speak to your child’s teacher, we are unable to interrupt lessons unless it is an absolute emergency. You should call between 12-1pm or after 3.15pm. Reception will do their best to contact the teacher, but if this is not possible a message will be left for the teacher to call you back


Arbor (Management Information System) App

We’re using Arbor’s free Parent Portal and Arbor App. Please click here for more information. Should you have any questions please contact


Other information which may be of interest

In future, in order to keep these weekly emails shorter, we will be sharing the majority of external information via Facebook.


IAS Newsletter September 2023

FACE Newsletter September 2023

FACE for Families - ADHD

Helping your Child - Parent Group for Child Anxiety

Bracknell Forest Families' Newsletter

Kidz to Adultz Summer Magazine


Alexander Devine Digital Newsletter - if you would like to receive their digital newsletter follow this link.






Dear Parents and Carers

As usual, we cannot believe another year has rushed by and now comes to an end. It has been an eventful year with many challenges, but we have persisted, shown resilience and successfully met them and we thank you for your support during the difficult times. We are sad to see our older students moving on (some of them have been with us a long time) but we wish them all success and happiness as they move into the next phase of their lives. We welcome our new students and look forward to working with them. We hope they, and their parents, enjoy being part of the Manor Green community.

The final Excellence Everywhere for the year can be accessed here.


FSM vouchers

Grocery vouchers are being emailed to all eligible parents for the summer holidays. If you need any help please email


Parking in the First School playground
Please note that you are only allowed to park in the First School playground during drop-off and pick-up times if your child is in First School. If your child has moved to Middle School for September you are no longer allowed to use this facility. Thank you for your co-operation.


Parent/School communication
We are hoping to introduce a new communication platform using Teams in September. More information will be shared when we return to school.


Key Diary Dates for 2023-2024
Draft KDDs will be prepared over the summer holidays and shared with you when we return in September.


Start of term
The new school year begins on Wednesday, 6 September for students. Monday/Tuesday 4/5 September are staff training days. The term dates for the year are available from the website.



Summer food offer for families

Morrison's summer food offer

Slough Summer Holiday Activities

Junior Touch Rugby Camps in Maidenhead during the summer holidays for boys and girls aged 5 to 17 years of age. 25 & 26July – 9.30am – 3.00pm, See flyer for more information. Booking/consent form. Please make direct contact to discuss needs/disabilities.


Children's Commissioner for England

A collection of practical resources for children, parents and schools to support children returning to school can be accessed here:


What parents and carers need to know about W App

Citizens' Advice: advice on scams





Dear Parents and Carers

Fast Passes

Please note that all fast passes are being revoked at the end of this term. If you feel you need a fast pass, please re-apply using this form and consideration will be given to your request.

Summer Fair

The current sum raised from the summer fair is £2462.66. Again, many thanks for all your support.

Lunch menu

The lunch menu remains the same until October. The updated version is available from the website.


  • Staff training day: Monday 17 July. Students are not in school.
  • Meet the Team - 17 July 2023 at 2pm
    New students and any that are transitioning between departments (Upper or Middle School) should meet in the large hall for a briefing at 2pm. All other students will be taken to their new classes. Parents can arrive from 1.45pm.
  • Student transition - 18 to 21 July 2023
  • End of term: Friday, 21 July 2023 at 1:30 pm



IAS Newsletter July 2023

Parenting Special Children events 10-23 July

Bracknell Forest Families Newsletter - apologies, some of the dates have passed

Bracknell Parent Carer Forum - What's happening this summer

Regatta for Disabled
Saturday 2 September


Phyllis Court Club, Henley-on-Thames RG9 2HT

Regatta for the Disabled offers a fun filled day on and by the River Thames for those with disabilities and their families/carers.

The event is held in The Paddock at Phyllis Court Club and offers accessible activities not always available to people of all ages and abilities.

The land based activities are interactive and include a petting zoo, circus skills, climbing wall, soft archery, rowing machine, Punch and Judy and much more.

Free trips on the river are also available with Rivertime being able to hold up to 5 wheelchairs and we have 2 x 12 seater motorboats which run trips all day.

Regatta for the Disabled (R4D) is unique and exceptional for families and groups who support children and adults with physical disabilities and special educational needs.

More details at





Dear Parents and Carers

This week's Excellence Everywhere can be viewed here.

We have had a busy week which included our inclusion event and the summer fair, both of which were extremely successful. We are grateful to all the schools and visitors who joined us for the inclusion event and to all the parents and friends who joined us for the summer fair. We also give a huge thank you to all those involved in organising both events.

Inclusion Event

Once again this amazing event was thoroughly enjoyed by our fantastic students who are always such an inspiration to us all. The BBC news report is available here.

Summer Fair

The summer fair was very well supported by a steady stream of families and staff throughout the whole afternoon. The weather was kind which was a huge bonus. It was great to see everyone enjoying themselves, especially some of the families who are going to be new to the school in September. The provisional estimate for monies raised is £2,700 that I will update you on this next week.

Foundation Park

A polite reminder that parents should not be parking at the entrance to Foundation Park when dropping off or picking up children. This is not a drop-off pickup point for the school and we need to respect our neighbours. Thank you for your co-operation.


  • Family Cafe at White Waltham Airfield - Tuesday 11 July 2023. See flyer for more information.
  • Middle school sports day will take place on the morning of Wednesday, 12 July 2023.
  • End of term assemblies will take place on the morning of Thursday, 13 July 2023
  • Staff training days: Friday 14 July and Monday 17 July. Students are not in school.
  • Meet the Team - 17 July 2023 at 2pm
    New students and any that are transitioning between departments (Upper or Middle School) should meet in the large hall for a briefing at 2pm. All other students will be taken to their new classes. Parents can arrive from 1.45pm
  • Student transition - 18 to 21 July 2023
  • End of term: Friday, 21 July 2023 at 1:30 pm

Message from Harriet Goodhew

I will be swimming 10 miles over July to raise money for breast cancer. It's very close to me as my auntie came through but last month we lost my partner's grandma from it.

I have attached a QR code and link for the fundraising and the Facebook page screen shot and would be grateful for any support you can give me.



An abacus height adjustable Gemini 2000 bath which is a longer length for taller people. This bath has only been used approx 10 times but it is no longer suitable for my son's needs so is being removed on the 10 July. It is fully height adjustable with an integrated height adjustable changing platform. It also has integrated lights and spa jets . If Interested, it needs to be collected ASAP. Here is the website for measurements etc:

Abacus will not re install this bath anywhere else as it has been used due to what they call cross contamination so it will need to be reinstalled independently.

Please contact: if you are interested.



MyFamilyCoach powered by Team Teach

Provides many free resources including videos, webinars etc on behaviour, sensory needs, regulation etc.



We thought you might be interested in this webinar for teachers, about Teenagers and sleep. It explores the latest research and practical strategies for promoting healthy sleep habits among teenagers.


Virtual Neurodiversity Conference 2023

For parents and carers. 19 July from 10am to 3pm.
